Pearl & Daisy


Just an update: turns out they're both girls. Getting an egg every day, more or less (sometimes Pearl will lay 2 days in a row, skip a day, go back to every other day, etc.) . It's funny - Pearl's eggs are always pristine, and Daisy's eggs are always disgusting. She thinks she should bury them in the dirt first!

Now, to convince neighbors and friends to take some and eat them ....

@Callender Girl Remember when I said I wanted your luck (two girls)? I got it! :D
Congrats on the girls and those BEAUTIFUL goose eggs! I have no trouble getting rid of mine. People find them fascinating. Especially when I demonstrate how hard the shells are.

While Golly either lays less often or is better at hiding her eggs, Gussie has decided to lay nearly every day UNDER the concrete steps that were moved away from the house during a repair venture. In order to retrieve said eggs, I must lie on my side, wedge into the opening, slide under the steps as far as I can reach, use one of those "old people" grabber sticks (It's okay to say that because I AM an old person) and try to get the slippery, dirty egg.

I swear I can hear the ducks laughing at me, especially on the days I get a little stuck. Sometimes, I can feel goose bills mouthing at my boots and legs while I'm down.

Sure, I could block off her access, but I already blocked her out of her favorite spot -- filled the little hay shed with hay so she can't get to the back of it. Plus, it's better than trying to figure out a daily hiding place. (This is directed at Golly, whose apparent goal is to make me stick my hand or head into every dark hidey place on the property).

And, I'm jealous that Pearl's eggs are so clean. Neither of my girls seems interested in hygiene.

Tell those girls of yours to keep up the good work!
There's a new twist to the laying-under-the-steps saga. Yesterday, my sweet goose Gussie didn't get a chance to go there because Golly took over the space and decided to actually nest in it. She wouldn't come out all day, and Gussie spent the entire day wandering around the yard, yelling. She camped out by the steps for a while but finally gave up.

Come time to do evening chores, Golly refused to come out. I repeated my usual scenario -- crawling under the steps on my right side with grabber pole in hand -- but this time I was additionally armed with safety goggles as I faced an angry, hissing goose who was determined not to abandon her egg.

Golly has always been the more temperamental of the two, and it became a war of wills as she violently attacked the pole. Once I managed to dislodge the egg from the nest and pull it to me, I was hoping she would decide to come quietly. She decided to stand her ground.

Pulling her out of there was a task I don't want to repeat. When it gets light this morning, I will block off the access and save my own face in doing so. Geese, you gotta love them!
If we only had videos of these shenanigans! ;)

Since Missy doesn't lay any longer I at least don't have to fight an angry protective goose or gander when trying to retrieve an egg but I get to hear wailing all day long those 2 must mate 6-10 times a day and Sam every time has to give his Tarzan call of the wild. We always know. And since I have the geese and Runners separated from the Muscovy [fighting and raping] I get the privilege of breaking up fights every evening when I open the gate so the banished ones can go to bed. Happens in a split second. Gander and Muscovy drake and boy do you have to be careful pulling them apart. Gander is ready to kick my butt. Which he is ready to do most of the time now any way. It is really a good thing we love these beasts. June can't be far off can it?
If we only had videos of these shenanigans! ;)

Since Missy doesn't lay any longer I at least don't have to fight an angry protective goose or gander when trying to retrieve an egg but I get to hear wailing all day long those 2 must mate 6-10 times a day and Sam every time has to give his Tarzan call of the wild. We always know. And since I have the geese and Runners separated from the Muscovy [fighting and raping] I get the privilege of breaking up fights every evening when I open the gate so the banished ones can go to bed. Happens in a split second. Gander and Muscovy drake and boy do you have to be careful pulling them apart. Gander is ready to kick my butt. Which he is ready to do most of the time now any way. It is really a good thing we love these beasts. June can't be far off can it?
I am literally starting to count down the days!! I consider it a success if I can walk outside and not be harrassed by the grumpy gander!
Outwitted again! I blocked the opening to the steps with a large, red farm drainage tile. The geese were furious and yelled over and over.

Then, it got quiet. Turns out, they managed to pull loose a fence on the other side of the steps. Now, urged by her pal, Golly, Gussie is also hissing at me as they sit, side by side, under the stairs. Not looking forward to chores tonight. Maybe instead of safety goggles, I will go for a full helmet.

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