

8 Years
Feb 21, 2014
North central Louisiana
I have just read the article about pecking order. I knew chickens did this but it made a comment that has me wondering about something. It said when a chicken starts pecking you it will build to worse levels if not stopped. I have a very sweet BA that is 8weeks old. She loves to hop up to my lap and take a nap or sprawl out in the sun there, but before she does either she will peck my pants legs and scratch around like making a nest in my lap. Is this just simply getting comfortable or should I stop her pecking. It is just the wrinkles the fabric she pecks and scratches at. Never my arms or skin areas unless I have on shorts and the toenails go past the hem line. I have small grandchildren and don't want to let anything get out of hand I could nip now.
I have just read the article about pecking order. I knew chickens did this but it made a comment that has me wondering about something. It said when a chicken starts pecking you it will build to worse levels if not stopped. I have a very sweet BA that is 8weeks old. She loves to hop up to my lap and take a nap or sprawl out in the sun there, but before she does either she will peck my pants legs and scratch around like making a nest in my lap. Is this just simply getting comfortable or should I stop her pecking. It is just the wrinkles the fabric she pecks and scratches at. Never my arms or skin areas unless I have on shorts and the toenails go past the hem line. I have small grandchildren and don't want to let anything get out of hand I could nip now.
Do you paint your toenails? Especially if your toenails are painted red, all chicks will peck at them in the instinctive hope that your toenails are a fresh piece of bloody meat.
I have just read the article about pecking order. I knew chickens did this but it made a comment that has me wondering about something. It said when a chicken starts pecking you it will build to worse levels if not stopped. I have a very sweet BA that is 8weeks old. She loves to hop up to my lap and take a nap or sprawl out in the sun there, but before she does either she will peck my pants legs and scratch around like making a nest in my lap. Is this just simply getting comfortable or should I stop her pecking. It is just the wrinkles the fabric she pecks and scratches at. Never my arms or skin areas unless I have on shorts and the toenails go past the hem line. I have small grandchildren and don't want to let anything get out of hand I could nip now.
Sounds pretty normal to me! BA's are known for being very docile and loving, as is the case with your BA. She's just doing her "chicken thing" and getting comfortable.
Yes, my little (4) flock are Black Australorps. After much research, yada yada yada, I decided on BAs and the truth is because they ARE so friendly, docile, easy-going birds. Best of luck to you and have fun with your girls!!
I'm sorry maybe not clear enough. I'm not referring to my toenails but hers. She scratches my legs if my shorts don't go down to my knees.
Don't worry, chickens are notoriously poor students of human anatomy. She is only treating you like the dirt in her coop on run, sorry but I think it is the truth. Chickens are very much creatures of instinct and everything new, different, or unusual in their mind rates a scratch and a peck or two to see what its potential as food is. I guess it is like a dog instinctively circling before it lays down.
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