pedialyte? ***PIC ADDED***

Thank you so much for all your help curiosity cat. He is doing so good we moved him to a brooder. He keeps getting into mischief and somehow getting into my water that i have for the humidity levels for the remaining eggs that I am losing hope with... I'm afraid he is going to drown in them and he is able to stand and walk and even control his head so we moved him. And his belly is looking really good too...

One concern I have though is he keeps one of his eyes shut now. I'm not sure why but I'm keeping an eye on it to see if I notice anything. Right now he will open if every once in a while but mostly keeps it closed....



He's looking great! Wow! Thanks for sharing. I think he's going to be just fine. Make sure he has water deep enough to rinse his eye in (but not deep enough to get soaked--ha!). A gallon-sized chick waterer works fine, or one of many home-made contraptions in various threads around here. He's probably just having a tough go of it all around, and I'll bet that eye will come around too. Congrats--he's pulling through. I'm so happy for you!!
Now I'm on round 2.... I have another that just hatched out and is the same way as this one.... I'm letting him rest like i did with the 1st...But this one was able to externally pip even though his head was wrapped under his leg. But now I know what to do and how to handle it... I will never get eggs where I got these again. I hope this one has a speedy recovery because the 1st one (no name YET) is making so much noise, I think he is lonely.
poor thing.....
It is normal for them to be completely uncoordinated and weak for a couple hours after hatching, so this one may not have as much trouble as the other. I hope he strengthens up quick!

I wonder what was wrong with the eggs--was it congenital, or could it have been an incubation problem? High temps in the incubator can cause problems, as can improper orientation (i.e., upside down eggs and such), among other things. Humidity can cause problems with the air cell, but not usually with orientation inside the egg.

Good luck with your babies. I hope your next hatch is uneventful!
I don't think it was incubation problem, temps were 99 and humidity 55% - steady until lockdown..... Then I adjusted to 97 temp and humidity I think was low at 71% for a while then i was able to get it to 75%....... turned 3 times most days but atleast 1 time........ One of the eggs that didn't make it, I opened it up and even though it was on day 30, his foot wasn't formed right, he was missing like 2 toes and the webbing, and his eyes were not even on his head, one had developed really lower then the other one... I felt bad for the poor thing... So i am thinkning more in-breeding or something with the parents or something..... Not sure though, anything is possible i guess.....

Today is day 32 and I still have 4 eggs left, and I know atleast one is rocking, not sure if I should help it because of the way the others were.....

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