Peeling boiled eggs

Thanks for this tip - I hate peeling fresh eggs! I have had some success peeling them under cold running water but this sounds like the trick!
I had the same problem, UNTIL I read someones post on here, if you put A LOT of salt in the water it makes peeling really easy, for some reason that science may understand but I don't, all I know is that it worked for me. The only down side, is that if it boils over or splashes around, ther will be white marks all over the place. I don't know how much salt I put in, I just dumped some from my can of Kosher salt, stirred it around so that it desolved and put the eggs in. EASY!!
Thanks for the help MBLayfield! I have ordered myself a couple. I will try using a nail until it gets here.
I knew I could count on great chicken people for an answer!

Well I am the happiest woman in the world today and MBLayfield, you are my new hero!!!!!!! I received my egg piercer in the mail last night. I promptly used the new gadget, boiled up some eggs, and actually PEELED them!

I am so thrilled! Thanks a million for letting me know about this. I will never hate to boil fresh eggs again.

Deborah (the really really happyfarmwife!)
Try draining the boiled eggs, crack them (while hot) trying to get the air space, then fill up the pan with ice cold water and let them sit for 5 minutes. Peel them under water. This usually works fine for me.
SALT!!! SALT!!!! SALT!!!! And alot of it !!! 1/3-1/2 cup for 5-6 eggs It works!!! I learned this from Paula Deen!!! Try it salt is cheap and you will have beautiful deviled eggs!!!!
I put the hot pan water and all in the sink and run cold water on them untill the water is now cold, this always works. But silly question do fresh eggs take longer to boil then old eggs. I had never had a problem boiling eggs till I got my own chickens and now it seems that the yoke is never completly done and I boil the tar out of them.
This seems weird to me.
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I'm so glad that it worked for you! After you said you ordered some I thought oh no, what if they don't work for her like they do for me.
After I found that little egg poker I won't go back. Now all your chicken loving friends are going to want one!!!

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