Can you not get any where you are, or are you not allowed to keep them?

Good games are getting hard to come by here. Those who have them keep them under wraps and what is for sale is fairly expensive. I got given a few by the local travellers who lived near my previous village, after stopping by their camp to look at their flock. The deal was I raised a bunch of chicks for them and housed some broodies with chicks and they let me keep what I wanted, mostly. They had a gorgeous OEG pullet I loved, but they loved her too, so she had to go.
I'm in rather unusual circumstances.;) Part of my job is to care for the chickens here.
I didn't get to choose.
Also, unfortunately game fowl would not mix well with the 4 tribes I already have here.
On the bright side I will have a trio of Catalan chickens arriving once their quarantine period is over.
I'm in rather unusual circumstances.;) Part of my job is to care for the chickens here.
I didn't get to choose.
Also, unfortunately game fowl would not mix well with the 4 tribes I already have here.
On the bright side I will have a trio of Catalan chickens arriving once their quarantine period is over.
Ahh, got you! ;) You have a pretty cool job if chickens are involved, just saying... And it sounds like you have some nice birds coming soon.
I'm exhausted - mixing concrete and lugging it around / lifting it up in the air for dh to use etc is exhausting (plus school runs, chicken things etc etc!!). Off to bed!
Sounds like you had a hard day's work :hugs You should sleep well tonight though! Good night :frow
Good idea - Cyprus has also offered to put it all into a table form once we get the info together. I just have no idea what I can get here so will take me a while to pull together the info for France but I will try as I need to know and be able to act quickly when / if needed one day.

I can add the Dutch rules for Ducks (and what species), and the rules for traveling with ducks to and through Europe. But not chickens though.
So newbie here wondering if this is different than the US? I follow the Chicken Chick and she addressed the Newcastle outbreak in California and Utah. I was under the impression that there is no cure but guessing there is a prevention if there is a vaccine available?!?! Was this because they assumed a low risk and went cheap by not vaccinating?

The only thing I've discovered so far here in Ireland is the need to register for a flock number but no vaccine requirements.

each country has different rules. eg. in greece newcastle and IB vaccines are mandatory (farms only). marek's almost does not exist in the backyard flocks. in different climates different diseases are threat.
Can you not get any where you are, or are you not allowed to keep them?

Good games are getting hard to come by here. Those who have them keep them under wraps and what is for sale is fairly expensive. I got given a few by the local travellers who lived near my previous village, after stopping by their camp to look at their flock. The deal was I raised a bunch of chicks for them and housed some broodies with chicks and they let me keep what I wanted, mostly. They had a gorgeous OEG pullet I loved, but they loved her too, so she had to go.

travellers? who are they? I have never heard of.
You just need something big enough for the hens to move in comfortably. They are going to sit and grumble in it for the most of their time in there anyway! So they don't need more than say 2x chicken's size room in there. I use a "dog cage" for mine and it's way bigger than needed.
Yes we have pet cage, but 5 chickens dosnt fit in there anyway. I went this morning in the coop and there was no breakthrough in the nestboxes. I hope to have some order there. I also open the door everyday and show them, there is no spring yet, only cold, darkness and snow. Its so funny to watch, they gather on the door and they are so surprised whats outside. They never dare to come out.
Good morning everyone!
How are you dealing with predators? Here we don't have a lot of different species, but have A LOT of foxes. Just saw one this morning that was ran over by car right next to my house, again. If only one hen in every ten years would not get locked- you will never see her again here-guaranteed!
Luckily we have a brick coop with concrete floor and very tight doors, but even if they were left in run I would be scared because I don't think even a two meter fence we have would be any problem from a hungry fox.
Other than that we don't have anything else, really(knock on wood)- had seen hawk last winter, but haven't seen it since, thankfully.

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