Morning @Phill98 We also have foxes here (although never seen one!), some sort of mink type thing (should translate the French word so I know what it is in English :lau) that I've heard of people around the village loosing birds to even recently, there are quite a lot of birds of prey too - I lost a Vorwerk chick and pretty sure that was a hawk or something. Most of our neighbours have dogs which I think keeps things away.
Morning @Phill98 We also have foxes here (although never seen one!), some sort of mink type thing (should translate the French word so I know what it is in English :lau) that I've heard of people around the village loosing birds to even recently, there are quite a lot of birds of prey too - I lost a Vorwerk chick and pretty sure that was a hawk or something. Most of our neighbours have dogs which I think keeps things away.
I have never thought of dogs, but yes we call our part of the street dog kennel because we have 9 dogs in 5 houses right next to each other. So that probably helps also, but not enough for them to come by because our back backyard is pretty open to woods- I will show you a pic so I don't have to explain this.
Few months ago I went home from train and she jumped from our yard and across the road to neighbours when I came close!
I stood there for a few seconds-shocked.
Sounds like you had a hard day's work :hugs You should sleep well tonight though! Good night :frow
I did (until the usual 6am back killing me - been playing up ever since my last pregnancy!!)
I can add the Dutch rules for Ducks (and what species), and the rules for traveling with ducks to and through Europe. But not chickens though.
Excellent - that will be great - didn't even think about that! Do you show your ducks? Where in Holland are you? My son goes there every holiday as his gf is Dutch - she lives in Reuver.
I have never thought of dogs, but yes we call our part of the street dog kennel because we have 9 dogs in 5 houses right next to each other.
Absolutely that will help - apparently they are sensitive even to the dog smell - so the dog doesn't have to even be there.
Few months ago I went home from train and she jumped from our yard and across the road to neighbours when I came close!
I stood there for a few seconds-shocked.
They can be so bold!
Good morning everyone!
How are you dealing with predators? Here we don't have a lot of different species, but have A LOT of foxes. Just saw one this morning that was ran over by car right next to my house, again. If only one hen in every ten years would not get locked- you will never see her again here-guaranteed!
Luckily we have a brick coop with concrete floor and very tight doors, but even if they were left in run I would be scared because I don't think even a two meter fence we have would be any problem from a hungry fox.
Other than that we don't have anything else, really(knock on wood)- had seen hawk last winter, but haven't seen it since, thankfully.
We have a lot of foxes here too. I saw a few and lost one hen to a fox about 2 years ago. Mink are a problem here too, from what I heard. I've seen some hawks, but very few and haven't heard of any poultry losses to them yet.
We have a lot of foxes here too. I saw a few and lost one hen to a fox about 2 years ago. Mink are a problem here too, from what I heard. I've seen some hawks, but very few and haven't heard of any poultry losses to them yet.

So grateful we don't have as many to think about.
Two years ago they introduced some jackals in woods not so close to us, but we are able to hear them howling to the moon at it feels like we are in a horror movie! Since we never heard anything like that before.
So grateful we don't have as many to think about.
Two years ago they introduced some jackals in woods not so close to us, but we are able to hear them howling to the moon at it feels like we are in a horror movie! Since we never heard anything like that before.
Sounds creepy! I heard them once or twice in South Africa and saw one, once, when I was a child. I think ours down there are probably different from the ones you have in Croatia though.
it would be useful. it is very likely that the rules are the same for all poultry.

No they are different unfortunately. You don't have to vacinate ducks for example, but chickens you have too. But it still might be usefull for duckkeepers, since they are also on this forum :p That and I just could translate the rules about vacinating/ringing/crossing the Dutch border by car or from England for all the fowl. They are quite different from fowlspecies to fowl species :)

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