thank you! already putted her on a wire bottom. in the coop i have a wire floor and she loves to stay there! ouch!

i have enough space for some chicks but
the problem is that i had a respiratory disease in the flock in autumn, and one of my hens that survived to it is now 7,5years old. all began when i added a carrier bird that spreaded it to the flock, and then she (the silkie!) caught the disease again too... now, the disease isn't presenting but i fear that adding new member the disease could spread to the chicks and then to the older hens again or the strass can cause a new outbreak. i lost one (maybe two) chickens so. :hit and i fear for my oldest chicken..
furthermore, i can't sell them because they are carriers fo that stuff...
thank you! already putted her on a wire bottom. in the coop i have a wire floor and she loves to stay there! ouch!

i have enough space for some chicks but
the problem is that i had a respiratory disease in the flock in autumn, and one of my hens that survived to it is now 7,5years old. all began when i added a carrier bird that spreaded it to the flock, and then she (the silkie!) caught the disease again too... now, the disease isn't presenting but i fear that adding new member the disease could spread to the chicks and then to the older hens again or the strass can cause a new outbreak. i lost one (maybe two) chickens so. :hit and i fear for my oldest chicken..
furthermore, i can't sell them because they are carriers fo that stuff...
I see... what kind of respiratory disease was it?
i didn't found a vet in that period but i think it was a kind of virus, cause there was no face swallening, no strange smells...only a few, rarely bubbles of water in the eyes when they sneezed...i tried to teat it with a coadjuvant with the help of the forum, and maybe it had a little effect..on the young birds it was a very soft disease but the older hens kept it badly...only Marina (my oldest hen now) had a light form..
i didn't found a vet in that period but i think it was a kind of virus, cause there was no face swallening, no strange smells...only a few, rarely bubbles of water in the eyes when they sneezed...i tried to teat it with a coadjuvant with the help of the forum, and maybe it had a little effect..on the young birds it was a very soft disease but the older hens kept it badly...only Marina (my oldest hen now) had a light form..
So you really don't know if what they have is still contagious since you really don't know what they had? You might just worry too much. But I know how it goes... been there, done that. Doing it right now!
But if they do carry something it will be there when they die and you get new chickens. I just purchased something to disinfect the coop. It's called Interkokask. Maybe it would make you feel better to disinfect?
I’m no crack on chicken diseases. But it doesn’t sound like Marek. Sounds more like a kind of cold that is dangerous for chickens. Its often a bacteria that causes this; Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) and Mycoplasma synoviae (MS). There is lots of info on this on BYC and other places on the internet. By now they should be over it.

I would give it a try if you want chicks from natural breeding. Try to buy fertile eggs from someone who sells chicks/chickens around where you live. But never put new chicks with a broody. She might not accept them and pick on the baby chicks. The chicks can die because of this.

Buying fertilised eggs is the safest way to expand you’re flock. And until summer starts (july) is a good time for natural breeding.
So you really don't know if what they have is still contagious since you really don't know what they had? You might just worry too much. But I know how it goes... been there, done that. Doing it right now!
But if they do carry something it will be there when they die and you get new chickens. I just purchased something to disinfect the coop. It's called Interkokask. Maybe it would make you feel better to disinfect?

thank you!
No, i don't know..but i asked here and discovered that MG or other bacterial infections cause smells, eye diseases... my chicken had only rattling breathe and in the last days they struggled to breathe. only this and rarely little water bubbles in their eyes..
so, i thought about a virus.
The main problem is that chickens carry respiratory diseases for their whole life, so now all my flock is carrier. I would disinfect but maybe this isn't so useful, because the disease is in the chickens...

I’m no crack on chicken diseases. But it doesn’t sound like Marek. Sounds more like a kind of cold that is dangerous for chickens. Its often a bacteria that causes this; Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) and Mycoplasma synoviae (MS). There is lots of info on this on BYC and other places on the internet. By now they should be over it.

I would give it a try if you want chicks from natural breeding. Try to buy fertile eggs from someone who sells chicks/chickens around where you live. But never put new chicks with a broody. She might not accept them and pick on the baby chicks. The chicks can die because of this.

Buying fertilised eggs is the safest way to expand you’re flock. And until summer starts (july) is a good time for natural breeding.

No, fortunately it wasn't Marek at all..!
yes, they're definetly over it! i haven''t seen symptoms since the winter.
i read that they can have a new outbreak whatever is the disease.
My fear is this: could the disease spread from hens to chicks and then from chicks to hens again? I fear this because when i added the new ill hen (i didn't know she was carrier!) she re-caught it too! Maybe cause she was stressed! How much stress causes the birth of new chicks?

It's really confusing me, it's a grey cloud on my raising! :rolleyes:

uhm, and excuse me if i'm boring you! maybe i'll come out of this thing!
I know that Marek is a problem because new chicks get infected. But haven’t read or heard this from cold/ mycoplasma.

5 years ago I had a few chicks who probably got a cold (stayed in the rain with their moms) and the sneezing chicks infected all the other chicks within a few days. Eventually they all got over it. This ‘cold’ never came back in my flock.

Maybe its a good idea to make a new thread and ask this in the health part of BYC? There you can get advice from more experienced chicken keepers.
I didn't even mention.... I am going back to work tomorrow. It'll be interesting ... we get to wear masks... wonder how we are holding up with masks. On one hand I am happy... It was only a small job... working 1.75 hours Monday thru Friday. But it paid for the feed. My hubby had to pick up the bill on that lately... even though I was always able to pay him back when I sold chickens. So on one hand I am happy... I will be getting paid again pretty soon... on the other hand... I did have enough time to spend with my chickens... that was nice too!! :thumbsup
Hello! I got redirected here so a quick intro. Chicken mama (since 7 years) from the Netherlands; got two chickens in our smallish backyard. Since this spring we've been adoptive parents of two goslings, that eventually need to move :(

So hi! I'll be scanning this thread a little :)

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