Pekin Duck Club!

I didn't mean to get ducklings when i went to the feed store to pick up my chicks. But my daughter was just beside herself about how adorable the ducks were. I've always wanted ducks, so i got a few.

For the first few days i housed them with the chicks, but then they were making to much of a mess and i separated them. The ducks didn't like that at all.

I hope that i have one male and one female. My chicks are also not sexed, so I'll be finding out in a few weeks what they are.

I ordered my pekin sexed so I didn't have to do the hard part. I know Metzers has a video on sexing on their website, but I wouldn't trust myself not hurt a baby. You can voice sex them as they get bigger. Hens quack, drakes make a raspy sound. Then when they fully feather the drakes tail will curl :) Welcome btw! Love to see some pix!
Heh who can resist little duckies! I've been lucky that the feed stores near me only have chicks or I could get myself in some real trouble :)
There is only one feed store here that has ducklings. It was just a bit unfortunate that they weren't sexed. But hey, I'll get a little surprise in the future!

I do have to say though that i probably won't get any more ducks. At least unless i have a warm place to keep them outside as babies. They're messy and stinky! Lol.
Hah I started diapering Soleil when she was around a week and half old and it made a huge difference. Especially when it was time to cuddle!

Their pen is really gross right now. My kids and i were gone for the afternoon, i cleaned it before we left and they nastied it up again.

I'm going to use that milk jug idea for their water though. Seems like it will work better than what i currently have.
What a cutie <3

Duck diapers have space for the poop to go, so if changed every few hours there shouldn't be anything on the feathers. Baths are also essential, helps keep everything clean. Soleil is an indoor duck and she's used to the diaper changes. she will even stand and let me change her hah. I think it is always good to have a duck diaper incase of an emergency such as an accident or illness and the duck has to be inside. It is so much nicer being able to let Soleil run around opposed to being stuck in her kennel all day.

Oh and the diaper is held on by a harness. I love Feathered Fashions (
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They're loving the new watering system.

I don't think i could diaper a duck. I already have one kids in diapers and recently decided to diaper my puppy until she learns to not pee in my house.
Male ducks are bigger than females right? There is a significant size difference between my two. The one in the front is bigger.
I'm not sure you can tell by size at that age, I think one may be a little older. That's just my guess though. I know how it is with diapers, I have to boys and that was always in-exciting. Soleil is actually way easier to change by far hah!

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