Pekin duck egg day 29 HELP!!! Pleaseeeeeee!!!


Jan 19, 2017
Ok so i didnt notice yesterday that i was posying in a chick hatch along forum about duck egg lol so i figured id make my own thread here! I have 1 Pekin duck egg on lock down it is day 29 today it has a yellow couldy color in part of its air cell i havent heard a pipp from it or seen any movement in the last 2 days my gut feeling is that this sweet baby died :( anyone ever seen anything like this i have been searching for the last few hours and found nothing that looks like this really??!?!?
i edited to add that i have a still air incubator my humbity is 75% and the temp is 99 the little guy was doing great until i put it on lockdown :((
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the temp is 99

This is why it hasn't hatched. Your temp is low and if it's been this low all throughout incubation then you've been 2 and half degrees low the entire time. That's going to slow down your hatch a lot.

I can't really make out anything in your candling picture so I can't tell you if it died or not, but with the temp being so low I would definitely give it a few more days before assuming it didn't make it.
This is why it hasn't hatched. Your temp is low and if it's been this low all throughout incubation then you've been 2 and half degrees low the entire time. That's going to slow down your hatch a lot.

I can't really make out anything in your candling picture so I can't tell you if it died or not, but with the temp being so low I would definitely give it a few more days before assuming it didn't make it.
oh wow!! I thought 99 was what it was suppose to be holy cow :/ thank you so much

Maybe this pic is a little better not sure
@Danielle2006 you had your incubator at 99˚ the whole time? What kind of incubator? I've always incubated at 99.5˚ if it's a forced air incubator, but higher if it's still air.
you had your incubator at 99˚ the whole time? What kind of incubator? I've always incubated at 99.5˚ if it's a forced air incubator, but higher if it's still air.
i have a still air little giant i have it set to 100.5 but my digital thermometer reads at 99
I have the same, but It's one of 2 that I run, and tend to use it only in the lockdown phase. I set mine to 100.5-101.5 if I do use it for the full incubation.

Maybe next time nudge that incubator temp up until your second thermometer hits 99.5? @Pyxis may be right, a little more time might be necessary.
I have the same, but It's one of 2 that I run, and tend to use it only in the lockdown phase. I set mine to 100.5-101.5 if I do use it for the full incubation.

Maybe next time nudge that incubator temp up until your second thermometer hits 99.5?  @Pyxis
may be right, a little more time might be necessary.
i have 2 as well on for lock down and one for the incubatiom period the one for incubatiom stay steady at 99.8 i have 2 thermometers at the base of the eggs in this one and the top thermometer reads 100.00
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