Pekin duck unable to walk.

Niacin is great as long as it doesn’t say time released or flush free. If it says that, it won’t work. It is not very bioavailable for the ducks to absorb. The b complex has several b vitamins that are very important for ducks (including niacin-b3). The liquid is absorbed faster which is what you want when a duck is already lame. The tablets could work just fine. But just keep in mind what kind it is.:D
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It finally stopped raining, so I got some pictures. First pic is of Edison's legs when I lift him up (I apologize for poor quality, it is very difficult to hold a duck and take a picture at the same time). Next one is of Edison. That's how he's been sitting...You wouldn't think that anything was wrong with him, because he looks normal when sitting down. Last photo is of Lester, my other duck. I'm not sure if they are Jumbo Pekins or not. The female is actually pretty small, but the boys are huge.

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