Pekin duck with foot issue

Could take as long as a week of soaking to soften up the bumble and it may just open on its own after good soaking and using the drawing salve. But that isn’t the norm even if there isn’t a scab you maybe able to still open by soaking and using a pair of sterile tweezers to pull it open, main thing is getting that plug out. Some cut I like to give it time and so far I haven’t had to cut just use tweezers and open and get the plug out. Main thing is catching early before the infection hasn’t spread to joint and bone.
Dakins solution is wonderful stuff - and you can make it yourself for cheap! I had 2 with definite bumbles and 1 with a starter bumble this summer. I sprayed Dakins solution on the floor of their run and then also set up a soaker tray that they had to walk through and sprayed it with Dakins too - not enough to drink but just enough to get the bottoms of their feet wet. On one of my girls, the Dakins cured her with no surgery. On another one, I did the Epsom/Iodine like @Miss Lydia said, then the Dakins and the bumble cured. And on the third girl, she had multiple bumbles - the Dakins got rid of all of them except one - had to do several surgeries on that one!

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