Pekin Duckling Laying down MOST of the time and army crawls... Normal or Not??

Keep us updated on how it's going.
He has gotten really big and during supervised play he doesn't let them bully him anymore he has been pushing past them I put him in the pen and he was eating and drinking with no issues I think he is ready he always wants to be with them and they seem to be accepting since he's not a stranger fingers 🤞 crossed he is now the same size as them I will definitely watch closely he is doing amazing with his leg since tractor supply said he wouldn't make it through the night you would never know his leg was hurt he does think he is a runner duck not pekin 🤣
I have asked just about anyone I have come in contact with who raises foul if it was ok to have ducks and chickens together and everyone has told me that it is perfectly fine. Nothing about different diets (I asked specifically), having more than one, or separating them. They are all eating "Chicken Starter Grower" by Nature Wise. Other than the laying down and being really wobbly Bernese is not acting sickly. She seems to like the chickens and the chickens like her too. As far as the pecking last night... it was the "You are going to die" pecking, but the girls healed a great deal last night and are back with the others with no more problems. All of them are the same age.
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Here are Bernese's legs (I hope they upload... this is from my phone), I will be getting Niacin or Brewers Yeast TODAY, and another Pekin friend for her (we're going to the hatchery for a couple of Silkies as well). I would like to add that she runs like the Dickens to get under the light (but mainly away from me and my daily exams) and does fine, but as soon as "the threat" is over... back to laying down.
Okay, I'll make sure I get the right Niacin and post pictures of the whole flock. I just got them all on St. Patrick's Day (from two different hatcheries) will they still be so territorial at that age and such a short time together? I can definately separate them if needed.
Okay, I'll make sure I get the right Niacin and post pictures of the whole flock. I just got them all on St. Patrick's Day (from two different hatcheries) will they still be so territorial at that age and such a short time together? I can definately separate them if needed.
Chicks even tiny ones can really peck and hurt lil ducklings chicks have sharp beaks.You'll just have to watch closely. Look forward to hearing how it goes.
and Silkies with vaulted skulls an be injured to if a chick pecks them on the head I don't know if your are aware of that too. No skull under that flap of skin but brain matter.
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Okay, I went to the hatchery and now have a little friend for Bernese and two Silkies (our flock is now one dozen instead of only 5... Chicken math, right? Lol!). I took Orca5094's advice and kind of confused everyone by separating them up in boxes (3 in each box) while I cleaned their brooding box (which is actually a kiddie pool) and changed up their area a bit. Then I put them back in their area one chick or duckling from each box at a time. It worked like a charm!!! No fighting, pecking, or pushing at all... only great fun had by all because they loved what I did to the place. Haha!
About the Niacin/brewers yeast: the hatchery was out of both and I had no idea where to get either, so I googled what it was for and headed to the winery down the road. I bought a tiny packet of "Muntons Active Brewing Yeast". I am Not sure if that is the same thing or not but I tried to look up the differences and couldn't come up with anything. Yes or no? I can go to the freed center tomorrow morning for niacin or the right kind of brewers yeast.
I would say no - my understanding is that brewer's yeast is not active - it's spent. So, no active yeast.

And based on what I have seen, feed stores have not caught on to the B vitamin situation with ducklings. I get the ducks' vitamin supplements (except for poultry vitamins) at the drugstore or health food store.
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It says on the package to "dissolve the yeast in 1 third cup of cooled boiled water leave 15 minutes without stirring then mix well to suspend all yeast add immediately to brew". Is that considered a spent brew then? Man this is confusing... haha! I think I'll go to the health food store and not take any chances. Thank you so much!
No. What you have is active - it will expand and give off a bunch of CO2, and not what you want. Nope. Nope. Don't use that stuff!

Glad you asked!!!!!

Health food store - that is where I get most of the ducks' extras.

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