Pekin Ducks Chasing each other, pulling out neck feathers - normal?

My pekin drake was always rough with his female when she was alive. Now I have him with another drake. In the beginning of spring I had to momentarily separate the two because my pekin wouldn’t leave my other drake alone. He would try to hop on and pull out feathers and was just becoming super aggressive. Luckily, they didn’t have to be separated long and I was able to reintegrate them. My smaller drake still won’t get in the pool at the same time as my pekin though, because he becomes a little aggressive when sharing water space. I would reccomend separating him for a little while and then maybe try to reintroduce and if that doesn’t work, take it from there about either re-homing him or some other of your drakes.
granted I don't have pekins but I'd say that you have 3 too many drakes. You need to pick 2 nice ones and rehome the other 3. You still might have problems but probably not like you have now. The only other option is to segregate all the drakes from the girls.
Hello! I have two drakes and 4 girls! One of the drakes is so aggressive that the back of my girls neck is completely raw to where the neck muscle is swollen and looks like he chewed on her. What should I do about this or is it normal?
Put the drakes in drake jail so the girls can heal and have a break. Also for coop time a large dog crate will work to keep the boys from abusing the girls.

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