Pekin Thread, anyone?


9 Years
May 4, 2010
Greene, NY
did a search for a pekin thread, cause I want to post some more pics of our ducks in it, and low and behold, I couldn't find one(except for the chicken one, that is)... I guess a lot of people consider them to be "plain" or "boring" (I know my GF's dad does, he tells us that every time we talk about our ducks)... I kinda like them though... big, hardy, not too flashy... they' never be the supermodels of the duck world, and they are too common/old of a breed to ever have any novelty appeal, but they have a kind of working class attractiveness to them that appeals to me... any-who, here are some shots of my pekins (two that I suspect might be jumbos, and three regulars)

so, other pekin people, lets see your birds...
I found it kind of surprising too that there was no thread on just Pekins when I looked, they certainly are common enough to have their own spot! I have always wanted a few Pekins, ever since I was a kid...I love the bigger ducks. Your duckies are beautiful

My Pekins are a week old today.

Pekins boring? Never!

I have 2 that are just over a month old and they are so much fun. I love that they are big and fluffy when grown. I raised them as a kid and these are my first as an adult. I have another thread addressing my problem with keeping them outside because they always want to be with me. The cutest thing they do is chase after a ping pong ball on the patio.

This pic is from their first week here. The one below is from about a week and a half ago.

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I LOVE this thread!! I don't think there are many on ducks. :( I'd like to see some Khaki Campbell's as well as Cayuga. Will have a Pekin, Cayuga and 2 Khaki's on July 24th. Can't wait!! :)
I have 2, and they're certainly sassy about their treats to say the least. Pink, my drake, on the left, and Princess on the right. My 3 yr old daughter named both, and I just went with it.

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took a few more tonight(the duck run is right next to the grill, so I took my camera out to keep occupied while I cooked)...

"What you lookin at?"

now... play dead...

I love, love, love our pekin duck! What they lack in color they definely make up for in personality. Speaking of color what makes their bills more or less orange? I read something awhile back but I can't remember what it was. I need to get some new pictures to post I have already posted all the ones I have already.

I sure see some super model ducks on this thread. I love it keep the pictures coming.

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