Pendulous crop?



8 Years
Apr 10, 2016
Santa Cruz Mountains, California
Hello. Ruby has had mild crop issues lately, and I have been unable to tend to her properly, since I wasn’t home much. Last night before bed, I thought her crop looked “low” and massaged it a bit before roost. Checked again this morning before she got off the roost, and noticed it does seem a little “flopped over”. It isn’t all that big, however. Can a crop be pendulous even if it isn’t big? I massaged and gently lifted it before I left for work. I will continue the massage & lift each morning and evening, but am gone from home ten hours each day. Anything else I should be doing at this time? She’s molting, so I’d prefer not to do crop bra, but will if I need to. Her behavior is perky and active. She’s thin right now and favors greens over feed, but I think that is molt related. Isolating is also not my favorite idea, as she does not tolerate confinement very well. (She’s the one who paces the run walls, but she is also low in the pecking order). Thoughts? What are the chances of this resolving without a crop bra? Thanks in advance.
@azygous @Wyorp Rock @TwoCrows
If Ruby is a young hen, she might be able to shrink her crop back into shape. Right now, I'd do what you've been doing and see how the crop does. The condition of the crop first thing in the morning tells you half of what you need to know. Ruby will let you know the rest by her behavior. If she begins to act lethargic, and is slowing down her activities, you may need to treat.
If Ruby is a young hen, she might be able to shrink her crop back into shape. Right now, I'd do what you've been doing and see how the crop does. The condition of the crop first thing in the morning tells you half of what you need to know. Ruby will let you know the rest by her behavior. If she begins to act lethargic, and is slowing down her activities, you may need to treat.
Thanks. Yes, she is about 18 months old. That’s considered young, right?
You might start her on Acidified Copper Sulfate.

1/4 teaspoon of Copper to 1 gallon of water, make a new batch daily for 7 to 10 days. Use probiotics for several days after treatment.

You probably don't need a crop bra unless this has been long running.

Copper Sulfate kills all strains of yeasts, beak to vent.

Thanks. Funny, I just recommended this to someone else for a doughy crop. Is it ok if the whole flock gets it? I don’t want to isolate her just yet. They went to bed about 45 minutes ago and I’m going to go climb into the upper level of coop and work her crop.
I just went out and did the lift and gentle massage on Ruby. For kicks, I felt all the other crops. Actually several of them have a bit of a crease where the crop meets the rest of the breast, so maybe that’s normal and is just really visible because of molt? Will check again in the morning.

Margo hasn’t eaten a thing. She hasn’t laid in a couple weeks and her earlobes are yellowing, so I think (hope) she’s entering a second stage of molt like she did last year. Cashew isn’t eating, either. Molt is brutal!

Anyway, I ordered the acidified copper sulphate.
Ruby’s crop hadn’t budged overnight. :(

I did the massage and lift before she got off the roost. I’m not harming/aspirating her doing this, right? She was fluffed up, but could have just been in sleeping mode. Only a couple of them had come outside when I left (went in a little earlier today), so I have NO IDEA what her posture and body language are today. I’lll ask hubby to go look at her.
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Yeasts are contagious especially through drinking water. I would get the entire flock on the Copper.

Thanks. Funny, I just recommended this to someone else for a doughy crop. Is it ok if the whole flock gets it? I don’t want to isolate her just yet. They went to bed about 45 minutes ago and I’m going to go climb into the upper level of coop and work her crop.

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