Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

What brand of chick starter feed do you use? Medicated/unmediated? Stocking up on my supplies before my little flock of 8 chicks arrive on 4/9!

With our first batch of chicks last year, we fed them medicated; this April when I get more chicks I'm going the unmedicated route too. I too want them as natural as possible; I also feed my hens organic feed from the local Agway.
I did an edit on my earlier answer because of a brain cramp... we have used Layena (Purina) and DuMor Chick Starter (Tractor Supply) without issues... we prefer unmedicated also.
MannaPro at TSC is medicated I believe, we've never used it, so can't comment on it otherwise.

If you use the gamebird/showbird starter it is unmedicated. I use this in a pinch when I can't get my other feed.

I have geese. I don't want anything with medication in it. It will kill them. If they get to it somehow. That's also why I started to do injectable antibiotics. I know the bird is getting the meds, and it won't hurt my geese. I don't eat my chickens, I can't.
mama... .we go to St Mary's rather often in the summer and probably once a month through the winter. We have a family camp just south of there in Elk country so we check up on it.

What do you need from there? My son lives in DuBois (40 mins from there) and my SO goes through Ridgeway and Elk County pretty regular for work. So we should be able to help you out.

I think PaChickengirl lives in DuBois also...
How is it that I have NEVER heard of any of these places? Are you all Steelers fans? Please say it isn't so.
National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP)
was started in the early 1930s to coordinate
State programs aimed at eliminating pullorum
from commercial poultry. Finally found this pub.....

Sally, you are amazing!! Thank you for this info! I, however, will never be NPIP unless PA finds a way to incorporate free rangers into the program.

I just went onto a huge rant on the Ameraucana thread, here it is:

This is a very sensitive subject. I have several breeds of chickens. I understand everything you are saying about the culls etc. Imagine if someone took all the culls from your breed and marketed them as a quality birds, and then a whole lot of people lied, were misled, etc. about the "quality". Not cool. What would make it even more interesting, is what if they breed those culls together, and marketed those birds as quality birds too.

I have experimented with my breeds, listed in my signature. Almost everything about an Ameraucana is dominate over other breed characteristics. So a lot of chickens can be bred to "look" like Ameraucana, but they will not breed true 50% of the time.

The reason I believe the club has this statement is because the integrity of the the breed is in jeopardy. Quality can become poor, from the SOP stand point. Most people don't care where there chickens "come" from. Whether it is location, or genetically. Especially if you are talking about people who order from a hatchery in the first place. Most of them have listed that they are not show quality birds.

I would not expect any else. I was duped. Most of us had EE as our first AMs. I don't know it gives me a headache after a while. I know that the ABC isn't trying to be "special". Just trying to stop people from thinking that any chicken that lays a blue or green egg is an Ameraucana. (Royce I know you got yours to lay white to remove the brown egg genes, I am just being broad about the statement).

Its like this, very simple, if you have chicken A, it lays a brown egg and is a Wyandotte. Then you have chicken B and its an Orpington, it lays a brown egg. What if people started calling both chickens Brownie Eggers??? That would not be fair would it.................................Each chicken has its own distinguishing characteristics. So if a chicken doesn't fit the SOP, and because most Ameraucana traits are dominate (phenotype), just because it looks like one doesn't mean it is one. With this breed the genotype, color, and ability to reproduce it, is part of the breed description.
Well said!!

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