Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Oohhh, so sorry! Wish I was off of work today, I'd have come to help you out, at least I could have given some moral support or taken care of the shovel part for you! Fingers crossed that whatever was wrong doesn't get to the others...

Love this!!!

Oh, that is nasty. Glad you got her out without trauma to her, at least, sorry he got you. We processed a few that turned nasty, it is never easy to kill an animal (and it shouldn't be) but there are ways to do it without it being too horribly traumatic. Sometimes it is the best answer.
We have done in 3 roos in the past 6 months for getting too rough with the hens, we have a couple who are great with them, so we don't keep the rough ones
Well said! Respect their life and treat them humanely. We use the cone and there is very, very little problem with dramatic actions... so much easier. The meat from 'home raised' birds is excellent, and I do feel much better knowing how well they were treated from hatching to adulthood.
Sally, one of these days Radioman and I are going to make a run out your direction... I would love to meet up with you all! If we do the 'get together' somewhere this year I'd be willing to bring our plucker and scalder and a couple of roos along, and anyone else with unwanted roos could do the same. We can process them, and package them and everyone could take home a couple. Since they wouldn't be marked no one would know 'who' they get for the freezer so to speak, so it would remove the guilt factor.
See above post wing... Radioman and I would be there!
Breeds are totally a personal choice based on what you want from your chickens.... A few eggs and 'yard candy'... lots of eggs... what color eggs/does egg color matter?, meat? a mix of all things already listed??
Do you want hens who will go broody and hatch out their own little ones? or do you want to stick to running your incubator?
A few basics...
Silkies, cochins and Game hens are frequently broody, but Silkies and game hens are small egg producers, and are so/so for quantity of eggs, cochins can be bigger birds if you get the LF (large fowl) variety, but bantams are smaller.
Barred Rocks are larger, and are good 'multi-use' or dual purpose birds because they are good layers of large eggs and are plenty big enough to make good table birds, same with Black Australorps and Rhode Island Reds.
Cornish and Jersey Giants are often meat birds, not sure how they do for eggs.
Orpingtons are large breed, known to be very friendly and good for kids and beginners.
Too many breeds for me to even begin to cover them...
There is a breed selector section here on BYC that can really help narrow it down for you, once you decide what you want from your birds.
Good luck and if you find a few breeds that seem interesting to you then just let us know and any of us who are familiar with them can chime in with details then... or point you in the right direction for more info.

(pay attention to birds 'flightiness' or how they do with confinement vs free ranging, this really can come in to play if you have a restricted area or don't plan to let them out of your coop/run area)
thanks for info. I really just want a good pet and eggers. I am not looking for meat birds. I am going to have a run and a coop for them. I want to let them free range in the eveningss when i am out doing some yard work or that so i can keep an eye on them. we live in the middle of woods farms and orchards little of a mix all the way around us. we have people on both sides of us and we dont have a fence execpt around our pool. so 100% free range all the time i dont think would be a good idea. I like the silkies and polishes for their looks. but i am open to really any breed.
Thanks Betta and everyone. I just finished burying her
everyone else looks good, is laying (11 eggs so far today - 17 hens left) they're all yelling to get out to free range but I'm keeping them in today. They have enclosed runs all tarped up to protect them from the weather. We love our guinea pigs, they've been a lot of fun - especially if you raise a litter.... (It's really not just chicken math.... More like animal math!) we only had one litter and then I had my males neutered so they could be kept together. I pray that my losses are done - I'm getting too acquainted with that shovel....

Sorry for your loses. I wanted to tell you I had 2 guinea pigs. One died, they can have heart attacks at the drop of a hat. It is common if you have 2, that the one that is left will die of a broken heart. The is my experience for 3 different sets of them.
:he any ex smokers does get easier .....doesn't it...
Yes. Infinitely. Eventually you will get to the point where it crosses your mind, out of the blue, and you realize you haven't thought about it for at least a day... Then a week... Last weekend I had a moment where I thought about it, and realized I couldn't remember the last time I had thought about it. Then I promptly was turned off by the memory of the taste. It gets easier. The first 72 is chemical addiction, and I think i slept through nearly all of it, for fear of having a moment of weakness. After that is the psychological addiction, which is harder. Keep reminding yourself why you did it, write it out if it makes it easier to remember. Just remember you can do this!
any ex smokers does get easier .....doesn't it...

I am an ex smoker! I was a parting twenty something, that worked 2nd shift a nursing home. It took me lots of times to quit. You know what worked? A different job, so I didn't associate my breaks with smoking. Taking Chantix helped more then anything! What really helped the most, is age. I stopped smoking in my car too. I changed my behavior for about 30 days before I started the meds, and it was all over in the matter of 2 weeks. I also stopped drinking. Drinking makes me want to woff down a whole pack! Other then that, I don't miss it at all!
Yes Knisley....are they okay to get from or should i stay away? have you heard anything or delt with them before?

I got several of my chickens from them last year. They were good to deal with, and Ed (owner) offered to do a quick necropsy on anything that dies...I only called him on one, and unfortunately, we couldn't make it work. I got speckled sussex from them, and while they were supposed to be day one of them crowed...but then, that's just my luck. For me at least, they'd let me take home as few as 1. Not sure if it was cause they knew I already had chickens at home, or if that's just how they roll. The one thing I will say, is they are hatchery quality birds. IF what you are looking for is egg layers, that's fine. IF you want something that's going to look close to SOP (standard of perfection) SPECIFICALLY with silkies and polishes....they're not necessarily the best plan. I will get chickens from them if I'm just filling up my yard, but I prefer to deal with people on here. I gave myself lots of notice from when I decided I wanted the chickens to when I needed to have them to give myself time to find people. For instance, I got my Americaunnas from SgtMom (but she doesn't have chicks this year) I got my Wellies and Delewares directly from Whitmore Farms in MD (a hop, skip and a jump from us). I got my BLRW and Marans from a gentleman in MD as well. My lovely single Salmon Favorelle came from Beaglady, along with my black, black/white Muscovies.

Thanks! Unfortunately, I can't take credit for actually hatching any of my ducks & geese! : )

How old are your ducks? Are you sure they aren't males?? Hehe.

Let me know if you want Dale Zimmerman's info. It's funny how guys are drawn to them. I hatched them for my friend's hubby. And my DH liked them when we saw them @ Schaefferstown festival.

A. Duck (she's a year old) has laid several times. Her MO is lay for 5 days, stop for 2 weeks, lay for 5 days, stop entirely! Drake, well, obviously he's a drake, and well..unless he's gay, the other 2 are girls!
B. Which Schaefferstown Festival? Cherry Blossom??? I swear I never saw chickens at it when I lived there!
C. Does he sell chicks/do you want to hatch for me, as I don't have a bator?

Another story: The chickens have been on lockdown for 4 days now, since my EE got eaten. Yesterday, I went to feed, and check for eggs. They wandered just outside of the gate door (I let them because, I had bananas and knew they'd come back). Within 30 seconds, no exaggeration, a red shouldered hawk swooped over my head so close I felt wind, and landed in the tree over hanging the coops. Flailing arms and screaming chased him off, but, REALLY??? 30 seconds, AND I'm standing there in a bright red coat! It's the season all, they are feeding next years P.I.A.'s

Sounds like time for hawk soup. They are endangering your animals, therefore you can shoot!

my heart is hurting.. and my mind is calling me an idiot and i don't need him.. but I still want him.. The mind is a sick sick thing.. oh look a fluffy white silkie... 

Yes sorry Patrick.. should post that stuff here.. I tried to keep it chicken only.. Maybe i need one of those drinks you guys keep talking about?

A. This is normal, sadly. Wish I could put lots of silkies in your way so you wouldn't notice him, but, speaking from experience, that won't work. I can say...eventually your mind and your heart will get on the same page and make your mouth tell him where to go permanently....and then you take the time to heal...and prince charming will be out there somewhere. In the meantime, it seems like he's just a d-bag in a tinfoil suit.
B. Don't apologize for not sticking to chickens. NONE of us are just our birds. We all have more to us, and we are all friends, so we don't mind other stuff coming up, or at least I don't, heck, I'm planning my wedding on here!

yes my other half is worried about using having roos. he doesnt want them so if that happens i am sure we will be trying to find them a new safe happy home.

That's normal. Mine swore he was gonna off them all...but like Chad says, we will find a solution for them.

Running to pick up feed! They have an 18% feed. $10.80/50lb!!!!

Custom orders and feed made in batches of 500lb minimum. 

That's a good deal. Might have to consider doing this in the spring...oh wait...according to the calendar, we are in spring!

Wow, the closest place to me(two miles) is twice that...:confused:

That has to do with your zipcode. Chad lives in the middle of FARM country. People out here aren't willing to pay as much.

does anyone have any thoughts on different breeds of chicks? I like the silkie and the polish cause of their crazy hair dosss.. but the more and more i am no here the more and more i dont want to wait another two weeks to geth the silkies and polishes when they come in... and thoughts ?

If you look at my sig, you will see that I couldn't decide on a breed. My requirements for my chickens started simple. A. Cold Tolerant. B. Heat Tolerant. C. Good/Decent Freeranger. D. Ok with being locked up (not that I try to do this, but sometimes they're stuck inside for a few days, weather and my life being what causes it) E. Not Flighty. F. Not Agressive. G. Dual Puprose (ok, this was closer to the top, but I'm going by what I can think of) H. Decent egg layer, that doesn't mean an egg a day, but preferably at least 3-4 per week. I. Eye candy. I like to see an assortment out there. J. Egg color, I wanted a rainbow....of course I like pretty all the pretty little Americaunnas and EE's that I picked out....turned out to by boys! K. There is no K, but I realized I have an alphabet of demands going on!

thank you. thats the way ours is. its our first and we bought what we could for now instead of renting...IF THE WEATHER would ever get nice i could get outside to work on our yard which is a mess. i have been dieing to get out and those couple of days where it was 50-60 were such a tease.

I lucked into Fiancee owning 3 acres and an unused detached cinderblock garage, which happened to have a hole in the side that used to be a dog door...turned 1/4 of the garage into a lovely coop! Now if I could get my house out of the 1970's I'd be a happy girl!

Ok, so my sister's relay for life team needed a fundraiser, and I volunteered Easter Eggs....didn't expect it to go over so well, and didn't expect my girls to go on strike! So now I'm 6 dozen short! And of course need them for this weekend....does anyone have non-hatching eggs (don't care if they're fertile or not) that they want to sell me for $2 or less a dozen????
I went to the feed store today

and came home with 14 pullets

Five Easter Eggers

Five Black Australorps

Two Rhode Island Red & Two White Leghorns

I also reserved 4 Buff Opringtons, 4 Gold Laced Wyandottes and 4 Speckled Sussex which they will be getting in later.
Awesome!! I would love visitors, but do I need to get out of my sweats? LOL

Wing I quit smoking when I turned 40! OMG SUCKED to say the least, now others really stink! LOL and Chad makes me cough! LOL true story!
I went to the feed store today

and came home with 14 pullets

Five Easter Eggers

Five Black Australorps

Two Rhode Island Red & Two White Leghorns

I also reserved 4 Buff Opringtons, 4 Gold Laced Wyandottes and 4 Speckled Sussex which they will be getting in later.
any ex smokers does get easier .....doesn't it...

Wing- I smoked for 24 years. Quit 2 years ago with the help of GOD and Nicorette. The last 2 months have been kind of stressful, and I made the mistake of thinking I was sooo"Over It" that I could afford to cheat every now and again with a beer or two! Wrong! About 2 weeks ago, I found myself wondering how I got to everyday, again. It sucks, now I'm back to Nicorette. But it does get better!!!!! Just don't ever cheat once it's over. Here's a hug, I know you need it!

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