Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

The reason we burned them that time is because my daughter was 2 and when she was playing in the yard, disrupted their nest. I never heard her scream like that before. I looked over and she was covered in bees. She didn't know to run so she stood there, frozen and they kept pouring out of the nest. I grabbed her and was trying to swat them off of her. Ended up coming in the house and putting her in the shower to get them off of her. I still cringe thinking about it. I read that about the cicada killers too. Problem is they made their nests right next to the pool so when the kids walk over there they have to avoid 10 + nests.

Oddly enough, freezing in place and doing your best not to move might well have been the best possible thing for her to do! Most bees react badly to panic and rapid movements. Was she stung, or did she come out of it ok?

I've been wanting to add some hives to our garden area to get better pollination rates and maybe some honey, (And I think I still will next spring...) but getting stung and having my leg all swollen up has poured quite a bit of water on my enthusiasm.

Are there any beekeepers on this group? I imagine there's a fair amount of overlap...
GM all:

With the discussions of seramas....I decided to look them up and came up with this (a really nice coop)
That's an awesome coop! I like how they had the wire curved and bent to make view easier. No wonder she said it took him a few months.
My understanding is that ground bees/wasps are pretty agressive...I've been tagged a few times myself, The ground hornets that kill the cicadas I think don't have stingers....they are just really intimidating....
We've had multiple nests of the ground hornets and those things are NASTY!!! We only have to be within 10 ft of the nest and they'd swarm, my poor basset I had at the time was stung 5 times the one time she got near it, I was stung enough that my doc is worried I'll have an allergic reaction if I'm stung again. Needless to say the nests were gone shortly after we found them.
One day I will have a cute coop like that! I love all the little details.
Only thing I'd change is screening on the ventilation holes, I didn't see any. If it was there it was darn near perfect!
For anyone interested

A & J Farms - The Poultry Hatchery







My so wa stung attacked by ground hornets or what ever stinging creatures live underground. Last summer he was helping with an Eagle scout project and he hit a hive. Got stung over 20 times. He had an allegery pill in him but I took him to the doctors and they gave him benedryll as well. It was scary for him, I wasn't with him. He was 13 years old. Can't imgaine how scary it must have been for a 2 year old :(
Oddly enough, freezing in place and doing your best not to move might well have been the best possible thing for her to do!  Most bees react badly to panic and rapid movements.  Was she stung, or did she come out of it ok?

I've been wanting to add some hives to our garden area to get better pollination rates and maybe some honey, (And I think I still will next spring...) but getting stung and having my leg all swollen up has poured quite a bit of water on my enthusiasm.

Are there any beekeepers on this group?  I imagine there's a fair amount of overlap...

She was stung over 20 times. I had about 10 stings just from scooping her up and trying to help her. I had to call her dr. to see what I should do. Luckily only some swelling but nothing major. Very scary.
My hubby wants to start keeping bees but I havent really pushed the issue or said much about it when he bring it up i just say that would be neat and let him talk about it. He hasnt came to me about it seriously yet. I am not to thrilled about being stung. Last time I got stung I had a reaction to it and my hand was swollen for a few days afterwards. I do think it would be neat minus that factor. I just havent looked into it much either. Would be interesting to see if anyone on here has and thoughts on it tooo Lizardcat.
That's an awesome coop! I like how they had the wire curved and bent to make view easier. No wonder she said it took him a few months.
We've had multiple nests of the ground hornets and those things are NASTY!!! We only have to be within 10 ft of the nest and they'd swarm, my poor basset I had at the time was stung 5 times the one time she got near it, I was stung enough that my doc is worried I'll have an allergic reaction if I'm stung again. Needless to say the nests were gone shortly after we found them.
Only thing I'd change is screening on the ventilation holes, I didn't see any. If it was there it was darn near perfect!


I use the term bee/wasp/hornet incorrectly.....I've been nailed by those "ground bees" a couple of times (very hostile)....the ones I was refering to are about 2 1/2" long.....

I use the term bee/wasp/hornet incorrectly.....I've been nailed by those "ground bees" a couple of times (very hostile)....the ones I was refering to are about 2 1/2" long.....
The ones that tagged us were less than an inch long. I call them hornets due to the aggressiveness, and I've only ever dealt with hornets and wasps that have been that aggressive. I honestly am not sure what they are.
Try not to burn them out if you don't have to. So long as you leave them alone, cicada killers don't tend to be too agressive to humans.

I've got a nest of burrowing bees next to our sunroom, that is taking all my patience not to burn out. They've stung me once, and I'm REALLY tempted, but I end up reminding myself that polinators are in short supply, and we have another entrance to the sunroom.
I literally have never heard of these and just googled them. I found a dead one near my pool a week back. Where there is one, there are more right?? Freaking out

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