Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Hi all!!
Trying to catch up with all these posts....Summer has been keeping us/me very much canning!!! It will be soooo worth it in say...Jan. & Feb.!!!! hahaha..
Hey Vicki- would love to see some pics of your coop...I just finished reading the 3weeks ago, that you were thinking of selling it...and now I am here reading you are. Funny....anyway. would love to see pics if possible!! Thanks!
Hope everyone is having a good summer!! And all is well in the fur and feather world! -Danielle
Quote: I'm ALWAYS building new coops.
I never have enough room. So, depending on where you are & what you have I may be interested. I'm 45 minutes from Pittsburgh, over near Wheeling.

just bought a 10x10x6 dog kennel, now to get the thing unloaded and put would have to know my set up to understand, but I need this to go inside of the current pen,,,,this is where I stick the young upcoming birds, or grow outs....this way they can interact with the rest of the flock and it is no big deal when I decide to open doors and let them all together,,,,,now to find something to put inside of it to use for shelter..
I have made some of these 4x4x4 "boxes, with or without wire front & they work well for ducks & geese when used at ground level or for other poultry when raised a foot or so off the ground.
So if you got sick you would sue me? And I read that link but it doesn't really answer my question, but that was really helpful, thank you

I was just teasing! Although there are many people who might sue. We just sell to people we know and trust, we don't produce enough eggs to do much more than that anyway. I like the rules in the website because they can help protect anyone selling eggs, when they follow the rules set by Penn Agriculture. I imagine in the worst case scenario, if someone did get sick, could prove that it was from eggs I produced and decided to sue me, I could show I was following the rules and if that didn't help, there's always home insurance to cover us.

I'm ALWAYS building new coops.
I never have enough room. So, depending on where you are & what you have I may be interested. I'm 45 minutes from Pittsburgh, over near Wheeling.

I have made some of these 4x4x4 "boxes, with or without wire front & they work well for ducks & geese when used at ground level or for other poultry when raised a foot or so off the ground.

I'll PM you about the coop & send a pic, it was Amish built, chickens lived in it about 6 weeks. Thanks!
Turkeys need higher protien, especially the meat turkeys. Switch them to meatbird feed, 20-24% protien. Mine get 22% are are doing great!

The local mill's starter is 24% but medicated. Their grower is 18%. Layer is 18% w/ calcium. They don't have game bird feed. I'll see if they have any higher protein feed for meat birds. I don't think they do. The local TSCs don't ever have 22-24% All Flock either. I have been supplementing the turkey's diet with the table scraps (meats, breads, pastas, veges... whatever) and bird feed/scratch I mix for fall/winter. Plus as much grass/clover/dandelions/buckwheat they'll eat.
Would you guys eat eggs that are under 24 hours incubated? I just checked the broody. I don't have the energy to go back out now to take her eggs. I just don't want more chicks right now. I have "too many " now!

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