Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Brittany, you need more chickens! I have 6 giuneas, 2 turkey hens, 4 roos & 16 hens in a 4x8 coop that's 5 ft high. When I walk in there in the morning after letting them out it's warmer than my kitchen! That's even with the window still half open. They have a nice big run but I like my coop smaller for warmth.
Brittany, you need more chickens! I have 6 giuneas, 2 turkey hens, 4 roos & 16 hens in a 4x8 coop that's 5 ft high. When I walk in there in the morning after letting them out it's warmer than my kitchen! That's even with the window still half open. They have a nice big run but I like my coop smaller for warmth.
Oh my! I thought I had to many in my coop. So you think I dont have enough for warmth? I wouldnt mind having more! or just waiting to add in the spring with some of my own chicks I hope....but i am not sure my hubby would be as happy or excited about it as I would be! And their run that is enclosed is about 4.5 by 20. Then I bought 100ft of that deer fencing (its junk but works) and added that on. I went around my garden and through the woods some with it so they had a larger area. Plus putting them in my garden after it was done for the year, i have been throwing my scraps in there, grass, and leaves. They can compost my garden dirt all winter.
I was letting them out to free rang like an hour or two before I knew they would go to bed. Cause i felt bad keeping them penned up. But they liked to be little explorers and this was enough time to let them out but they didnt go too far! But now they are in bed by the time I get home...Makes me sad cause i dont get to spend as much time with them during the week like I did in the summer!
Really, the rule is if you are in the mount joy area, you must stop to see both me and cbiques chicks, you can walk from one to the other if you are energetic.....

I have plenty of that whole corn ready to go at 6 dollars for a fifty pound bag.....
I have a trio of blue slates too but the hens are in with the chickens & tho tom is in quarantine until my npip lady comes this weekend to test him. I lost my tom to the heat toward the end of summer & had to replace him with a young boy I found at the Uniontown swap last month. He should be ready to do his thing by spring though.

Tell me something about the turkeys especially the Royal Palms. When I looked up the information on feeding them it said it took 75lbs of feed to get a turkey poult to butcher weight. Is that correct in your experience? I figure the Royal Palms are not quite that much since they are smaller.
Brittany, just tell him you need them for heat for the You have plenty of room for more!

Penny, I got this trio almost fully grown. They eat about 1/3 less than my slate trio does. The tom is the size of my slate hens & the hens are about 2/3 the size of the tom. My broad breasted white hen who is about to be Thanksgiving diner is another story. She eats as much by herself as all 3 slates. Heritage breeds eat much less than meat breeds. They don't get nearly as big though. My white hen is bigger than my slate breeder tom that I lost wad. Imagine her size by now if she were a tom.
Brittany, just tell him you need them for heat for the You have plenty of room for more!

Penny, I got this trio almost fully grown. They eat about 1/3 less than my slate trio does. The tom is the size of my slate hens & the hens are about 2/3 the size of the tom. My broad breasted white hen who is about to be Thanksgiving diner is another story. She eats as much by herself as all 3 slates. Heritage breeds eat much less than meat breeds. They don't get nearly as big though. My white hen is bigger than my slate breeder tom that I lost wad. Imagine her size by now if she were a tom.
My thing is I dont have much time with my chicks now that its dark at 5 and thats about when i get home most of the time if not later. So in the mornings is a quick let them out make sure everyone is okay and food/water is good. Only time i really get to spend time with them is the weekends. If i bring new in they are going to stay strange I feel. Plus I know I am going to come home with new chicks come spring and or end up keeping some of my own if the girls hatch them out...

Do giuneas do well with chickens and other way around? I wouldnt mind having some of them. Can you eat their eggs to? (Dump questions probably) Are they big wanders or do they stay close?
Howdy Morf:

Chester Co here, where you located? ...only weasels I've run into are the two legged types....and, as fate would have it...only skunks I've run into have two legs also....humm...
I am in Delaware County. Glad to hear you have no weasels. This board is intimidating. Reading about all the zillions of things that can go wrong, it's amazing anyone can keep these birds alive for more than a day. I am counting on it not really being that hard.

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