Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

some people are complete idiots SMH. I used to volunteer for Mending Hearts Animal Rescue and it's amazing the cruel or pathetic stories you end up hearing. People are idiots. Ok, rant over


I have fosterd 10 pooches and adopted one...I have a friend who has a barnyard full of critters including a half dozen roos from folks on here...some folks don't know the definition of personal rant.....

If you have an old cooler, I can help you build a cooler-bater...Sally has a pretty good set of instructions too...

The only old coolers I have are collapsible so they wouldn't work. It's not a big deal. I've just been contemplating hatching and if someone had one they didn't want then cool. Most likely I'll end up waiting until I have some extra money and go get one of those little Giant incubators from tractor supply.
Does anyone currently have turkeys for sale? Near Lebanon pa, or between Lebanon and Leesport. I am going to Leesport Saturday afternoon. Thanks
No I'm offering my problem "child" as you put it for someone to eat as I would rather not butcher him myself. I am not hiding anything from anyone who would take him, his a jerk who attacks people no matter what I do and should go in someone stew pot. I don't like butchering birds and if someone can make a meal from him or would for some reason want him for some reason in their flock they are welcome to him.

And I have posted on this thread before and really haven't got much of a response to anything I've talked about or responded to if memory serves. I also am a full time college student who doesn't get much time to chat or hang out on here as I use to. And if someone on this thread would like to get a free meal out of him as some of you are local I would like to give them an opportunity to do so. So yeah I dropped in and offered him here.
Thanks Chippysmom! So how many was the final count? Sorry you didn't get enough yellow ones, I really figured you would get at least 3 or 4..

Stake... sorry to hear your hatch is late, hopefully there will still be some hatchers!

I accidentally left the run door open. Most went back in as soon as I grabbed the corn can. Moron (is a moron) kept his girl under the Lilac bush. They had no interest in the corn I was tossing near them. All but Moron and a BCM hen finally went in. Now the pair is somewhere in the woods.
I was on the phone with DH telling him about it, and went into the coop. I told him that another hen was broody. I said I was going to let her brood. It was not like the chicks counted! Then I said, "Besides, I just lost two chickens!" His response was, " I know. I understand. You have explained chicken math to me enough times."

Gotta love it when they give up and give in!
Sucks when you can't get the stubborn ones back in the coop.... we've had a few Benny Hill scenes around here when trying to round up the strays also!
Hey guys if anyone in the NW part of the state is interested I have a brown leghorn rooster who attacks people that is free to anyone who wants him and I really don't care if you plan to eat him:

If you were in Southern Clarion I would stop by to take him just to spare you the aggravation... I don't really need a soup bird (though he wouldn't be wasted) but I have butchered problem birds for folks before. Once they go mean it can be a real problem. I routinely visit (or pass through) the New Bethlehem and Rhimersburgh area. If they are close to you give me a holler.
What a day! The BCM pair came back. They are in the coop now, and Moron is being chased by the other rooster.
The "broody" was an egg eater. On the flip side, I collected 20 eggs from 22 girls (plus one eaten). Unless some were laid after I last collected last night, everyone laid but the EE!

I forgot the Easter Hatch a long chicken eggs get set tomorrow. I had a few eggs picked out for the "broody" and I am sooo tempted.
Remember girl... extra roosters and you will have to build another run if you get too many more!

I am glad your stray pair came back though...

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