Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

And Mindy visited with the newest batch of chicks...
In my township (Lower Paxton, PA) the chicken keeping ordinance was changed last year. I spoke with the leader of that change yesterday because I am hoping to have ducks added to the ordinance (I have a chicken egg allergy, but can eat duck eggs, and believe that our 1/2 acre would be sufficient for duck keeping). She recommended having a “duck expert” when the time comes to make my case for a change in the ordinance at the township meeting. A quick Google search revealed nothing. Any ideas where I can find a “duck expert” in PA that can provide support for keeping backyard ducks?? I honestly don’t even know what it means myself, but she gave the example of the Bee Keepers Association as a source for that. Just can’t find any waterfowl or duck keeping associations in PA. Thanks in advance!
I could probably pass for a "duck expert", but I don't really want to have to go talk to a bunch of politicians.
I dread the “talking to politicians” part, too. 😆 Thankfully it’s just a township board of supervisors (and I know one of them already from going to grad school with him). Our chicken ordinances changed in 2021 so I’m hopeful that since others paved the way it will be easier to add ducks to the ordinance. I don’t know if I’ll find what I am looking for in terms of an “expert.” Thanks for all the suggestions!
My first sexlink Ameraucanas are due to hatch in a week. I can't wait to look at them and see if they are as sexable as they should be. I am hoping that some are lavender, but can't be certain of the genetics of the black rooster.
Let me know when you have enough chicks to share! :droolMy back got hurt again last week, but I still can drive now. And hubby will do most of the driving if needed. My friend hasn't decided if he can add chickens or not, but I will ask him again when you have chicks. I would like to have at least one or two ameraucanas. But if they are not available this year, I think my son will be happy with a olive egger looking like an ameraucana.

Unfortunately, Sunny is very sick with obvious organ failure (clear fluid filled her little body, even lungs) , so she is in my basement now. I may need to put the new chicks in my bathroom first, although I doubt Sunny will survive too long. :hitThis Marek's thing already killed most of my 2y chickens. :he So far, all pullets with vaccinations are not sick.
Let me know when you have enough chicks to share! :droolMy back got hurt again last week, but I still can drive now. And hubby will do most of the driving if needed. My friend hasn't decided if he can add chickens or not, but I will ask him again when you have chicks. I would like to have at least one or two ameraucanas. But if they are not available this year, I think my son will be happy with a olive egger looking like an ameraucana.

Unfortunately, Sunny is very sick with obvious organ failure (clear fluid filled her little body, even lungs) , so she is in my basement now. I may need to put the new chicks in my bathroom first, although I doubt Sunny will survive too long. :hitThis Marek's thing already killed most of my 2y chickens. :he So far, all pullets with vaccinations are not sick.
It would save a lot of driving if i mail the chicks to you, which I don't mind doing. Now that I have the pen setup, I intend to hatch sexlinked ameraucanas for a while. This first hatch is kind of experimental, and I am not certain they are pure yet. It is possible that most or all the chicks will be barred, making them impossible to sex during this transition from a cuckoo rooster to a non-cuckoo.
The problem with shipping is that I need to send a number of chicks for warmth and safety. So we need to find some other people (in this group or other places) that are near you and want some chicks.
It would save a lot of driving if i mail the chicks to you, which I don't mind doing. Now that I have the pen setup, I intend to hatch sexlinked ameraucanas for a while. This first hatch is kind of experimental, and I am not certain they are pure yet. It is possible that most or all the chicks will be barred, making them impossible to sex during this transition from a cuckoo rooster to a non-cuckoo.
The problem with shipping is that I need to send a number of chicks for warmth and safety. So we need to find some other people (in this group or other places) that are near you and want some chicks.

Thanks, Dennis. :) We still have several months before the weather gets too cold. I have no problem to wait until it's safe to sex them. Even if we accidently get a rooster, it will be ok as long as no complain from the neighbors.

For warmness, I find this one on Amazon: I can order one or pay you to order one for the chick package. I would think it should be safe to just tape it on one side of the box. Don't know if it will be too hot in summer though.

If anybody here in State College/Altoona area needs chicks, the chicks can be shipped (I will pay the shipping myself) with mine and I can bring the chicks to you. If we don't have enough to ship, I can always pick them up. My son may be happier to pick his own chicks any way.

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