Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I didn't realize you had spitzhaubens :) I ordered some silver spangled hatching eggs but they were delayed in shipping. I ordered them Sunday from Rhode Island and they're just now finally out for delivery :/ I hope they're in good condition but this long in shipping, I have very little hope for them hatching at this point. They were even supposedly expidited.
I have such terrible results with shipped eggs I only do it when chicks are not an option.
If they don't do well hatching, let me know. I can probably send you a box of chicks sometime this summer.
As soon as I have space in my large fowl coop I will be in line to get some Spitz. Right now I have 6 LF and I think that is my limit.

btw: My blue marans from @dheltzel is broody....
My Marans almost never go broody, despite the breed reputation. My most persistent broodies are the Ameraucanas, even some first year pullets go broody, but still only a small percent of the hens, maybe 5 to 10%.
I even have a pen of cochin bantams that are all laying every single day now. No signs of broodiness there, though there are always 1 or 2 hens in the nestbox. I think they like sitting in there for the peace and quiet.
I have such terrible results with shipped eggs I only do it when chicks are not an option.
If they don't do well hatching, let me know. I can probably send you a box of chicks sometime this summer.
They can go with my chicks :D Hubby goes Altoona everyday. I'm still waiting for a friend to see if he can expand his coop to get chicks with me. I can always drive to pick them up too. My back is getting better, so I should be ok to drive.
So yesterday's walk was a hodgepodge of "where's Hobo" moments. While the dogs ran around looking for things to roll in he found places to lounge nearby to watch. Saw more bear sign, so obviously a routinely used path by at least one bear. Hopefully it is well fed enough to not come searching the coops.
Also spent some time doing yard cleanup, a favorite activity for the dogs since they get to hang out watching for fun stuff to happen. Dillon loves riding on the backhoe with me, Mindy does also but not as much as Dillon and Jenibelle is interested but doesn't like the noise (but her interest in doing things that Dillon does is winning out). Chris says he needs to add wider running boards so the dogs have more room, lol. 20220425_172345.jpg 20220425_171844.jpg 20220424_134755.jpg 20220424_133519.jpg 20220423_164818.jpg
Recent animal activities...
...Dillon doesn't mind being obvious, meanwhile Jeni is trying to be stealthy but is worried that Dillon is getting something she isn't.

...Skunk went on our walk, at least she is easier to see than Hobo!


Jenibelle's idea of cuddling's all good unless she starts grooming on him.

And Jeni napping in her 'seductive pose'

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