Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Thank you. I appreciate the support. Most people just say, "it's a meat bird, butcher and have a great meal", but these are my breeder birds, not destined to be eaten, not to mention I can't even kill a turkey that IS destined for dinner. We've all gotten attached to these birds and it's sickening to see her in this situation. Wouldn't kill a dog for having a broken leg, and I like her much more than any dog!
I completely understand, I have utterly fallen for the turkey's derpy personality and so-ugly-I'm-adorable looks, even if my old man does think that they look like miniature road-killed zombie ostriches
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I completely understand, I have utterly fallen for the turkey's derpy personality and so-ugly-I'm-adorable looks, even if my old man does think that they look like miniature road-killed zombie ostriches

I think they're GORGEOUS! At first, I thought they were ugly as sin, but once my batch grew the uglies, I actually LIKED them. They just look ugly in pictures, lol. And, yes, LOVE the derpy personality. They seriously are like little, err, BIG puppies. Even the boyfriend has fallen for them. When they started getting bigger and I thought I had all toms, he said that we could butcher them out, but then quickly said, "you know, we could just buy turkey meat from the store and just keep them around, or at the worst, sell some." Yup, they're something else!
I think they're GORGEOUS! At first, I thought they were ugly as sin, but once my batch grew the uglies, I actually LIKED them. They just look ugly in pictures, lol. And, yes, LOVE the derpy personality. They seriously are like little, err, BIG puppies. Even the boyfriend has fallen for them. When they started getting bigger and I thought I had all toms, he said that we could butcher them out, but then quickly said, "you know, we could just buy turkey meat from the store and just keep them around, or at the worst, sell some." Yup, they're something else!
haha I cannot WAIT until spring rolls around and my house is over-run with poults!! Yay!
haha I cannot WAIT until spring rolls around and my house is over-run with poults!! Yay!

I couldn't either, which is why I have a bunch of their eggs in the bator, LOL! I'm hoping that the crosses will do a little bit better. I'm looking for royal palm hens as well (G's request, actually, LOL)

Sally, to GET, for sure!! You'll fall in love with them. They're hard to get started, you'll lose some (just about guaranteed), but they're just something you can't live without.
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I was carrying Hoover around (my dominant tom) when the inmates were here. They always get a kick out of it, because he's such a puppy dog. I USED to be afraid of turkeys. When I'd go somewhere and the toms would start strutting at me, it scared me... I thought I'd NEVER have one. Then I got two BBW for eating and the survivor ended up being a pet. He was given to a friend when I moved, where he quickly became the guy's dad's BEST friend. They never had turkeys before that, but now he has turkey pictures all over his facebook page, lol. They really are a totally different animal. Way too sweet to eat, IMO. I was planning on TRYING to raise a bunch this year (like 30), to see if maybe if I had a ton of them, it'd be easier to eat one. I guess we'll see, though the hennies will have to stay, of course.
I couldn't either, which is why I have a bunch of their eggs in the bator, LOL! I'm hoping that the crosses will do a little bit better. I'm looking for royal palm hens as well (G's request, actually, LOL)

Sally, to GET, for sure!! You'll fall in love with them. They're hard to get started, you'll lose some (just about guaranteed), but they're just something you can't live without.
Oooooo! what breeds did you cross? I'm definitely getting narragansetts this year, I just can't resist 'em. That, and probably either palms or blacks, I can't make up my mind!
I love the bold, striking look of palms but I also adore that luminous sheen on black feathers! Either way, if we get extras of stuff, than a swap might definitely be in order
Oooooo! what breeds did you cross? I'm definitely getting narragansetts this year, I just can't resist 'em. That, and probably either palms or blacks, I can't make up my mind!
I love the bold, striking look of palms but I also adore that luminous sheen on black feathers! Either way, if we get extras of stuff, than a swap might definitely be in order

I have a royal palm (carries blue), a royal palm/bbb mix (but he doesn't have the massive breast), and the BBW hennies. I'm hoping to get something smaller than a BBW, without the issues, but still something that'll produce good meat within a few months, instead of waiting two years or spending $40 on a couple eggs to get heritage breed. The Narri's are GORGEOUS. I was thinking about them, but heard that they have a tendency to be more aggressive. I love the BBB too, the pattern/coloring on them (with the white tips) is simply gorgeous.

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