Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

My male in all of these pics. :)

The male and female mandarin with the female pheasant.

The female.

Beautiful birds!!!
Think I have to have a discussion with my girls in the coop tonight.

I'm Italian, and every year we make Easter Pies......egg, cheese, sausage, ham in a crust.........and I had to RUN OUT TO THE STORE and BUY EGGS. Thinkin my girls are just old enough that they don't really care anymore that THEY are supposed to be handlin that part!!!

Yummy!! You should've contacted me... I have extra duck eggs you could've used. Do you make Easter Egg bread too??
I want you think hubby would get overly mad about it..??
Wow! How can you resist?? sooo sweet And the only living thing we bought at the Dragon was a Hyacinth. :D The kids actually bought it, told me they had something special, KNOWING I would say, 'It better not be alive" lil boogers. Mean Roo = Soup Leblack Bird, that trio of pheasants went for over $200... unbelievable.
Yummy!! You should've contacted me... I have extra duck eggs you could've used. Do you make Easter Egg bread too??
Oh I wish I had thought to ask if anyone wanted to sell eggs, but I would LOVE to buy some for myself for breakfast til mine are old enough to lay.......and my Dad will love let me know if you have some, and I'll def come and get them!!! And I am making Sweet's a family recipe going back a LOOONG way that we only make on Christmas and Easter by Tradition. Have some to share!!! And my recipe for my pies goes back too. In order to make it EXACTLY the way my Nana did, I go home to NJ to buy the sausage from the SAME company she did. And I use the same exact recipe!! I've been baking since 7:30.......ready to FALL OVER!!!
She's probably hiding from him.

Cskotek: Those ducks are GORGEOUS!

Aunt Kat!! Easter Pie?! my FIL used to bring it every Easter, it weighed a TON (and so did I after eating it for a week!)
Fo you know if it was basket cheese or another kind? My nana always used cooper sharp, so that's what I do. But, some Italians make it with basket cheese. I just celebrated my first weight loss goal of 30 lbs (thurs)..........and had to calculate this pie for It's like 400 plus calories a slice!!!! WOW!!!!!! Better go easy this year on it :D
Fo you know if it was basket cheese or another kind?  My nana always used cooper sharp, so that's what I do.  But, some Italians make it with basket cheese.   I just celebrated my first weight loss goal of 30 lbs (thurs)..........and had to calculate this pie for  It's like 400 plus calories a slice!!!! WOW!!!!!! Better go easy this year on it :D

Kat, would it by chance be made with ricotta?? My fiancee's first wife was italian. She apparently always made something called Ham Cake. Of course...she never wrote down the recipe. The kids swear it was ham, ricotta, and crust....I have no clue, but they really want it, and I'd love to make it for them.
when rehoming these roo's.......PLEASE......make sure you inform everyone involved as to why you are rehoming them.....if they have been mean, do not tell them that they are the nicest rooster out there... with that said.....many of us on here will...and have.. taken the mean boys.....but they have no fairy tale ending,,,,I think you all know what happens to these boys. not attacking you penta,,, I have just had lots of people contact me about taking roosters with the assumption that they live happily ever after... (I prefer the do not tell if they do not ask approach )..
Perfectly understandable! I actually had a pet steer named Georgie that was just a love of my life! He was like having a 2000 pound dog. He even kissed my belly when I was pregnant with my youngest. I loved him more than I can say, and wouldn't butcher him for anything! He passed away of a brain aneurism, and my husband is still brooding over the fact of 2000 lbs of meat not in our freezer.......but I just loved him too much. I agree with wing ~ just tell the new owner about his histroy so no one will get hurt ~ and I'll be praying you find a good home for him!
I am nothing less than honest. LOL!
Apparently too much for my own good apparently. When I had posted to rehome the 5 roosters recently, I did say in my post that they recovered from the cocci virus. I don't believe in misleading people. Not my thang. But appreciate the advice. On a lighter note. Jennise and Cabella went to coop today, so I am 2 less chickens in my basement brooder. Now I'm in the process of repurposing the coop that was destroyed in sandy, and making it big enough for anymore chicken I may obtain before winter. How many do you think I can fit in an 8x8 coop?
On a lighter note. Jennise and Cabella went to coop today, so I am 2 less chickens in my basement brooder. Now I'm in the process of repurposing the coop that was destroyed in sandy, and making it big enough for anymore chicken I may obtain before winter. How many do you think I can fit in an 8x8 coop?

8x8=64/4=16 I'd prolly stop at 14...but that's me.

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