Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

For those of you that have never seen a "fart" egg here you go. The tiny egg on the left is the "fart" egg the right is a normal size egg.
Hello All. I am almost 2000 posts behind
. So many crazy things here. My kitty was sick and had surgery, my dad got sick and has been in the hospital, and now I have serious bronchitis cuz I was runnin around nursing everyone and got myself run down. Can someone catch me up and how are all of you guys doing??? HOPE EVERYONE IS WELL.
Hope everyone feels better!
A few pics of the new coop and run. Hope we can get the girls moved in to their new home OK tonight. Might have to "help" them in the first time like we did in their first coop. I'm so happy to have a larger area for them to sleep & roam in. They seem to love the newly expanded run area, they have been in it for a few weeks now. They went from a real small enclosed run, about 72" to the 9X11' run. Now I just hope we can get the other coop out of the enclosed area. We had originally planned on keeping them in the original coop in the expanded run area (lovely Amish built which they only used for less than 2 months...hope to be able to sell it if we can get it My hubby generously donated his storage shed which butts up against their run area...don't know why we didn't think of doing that before we paid $500 for the original & learn I guess.


I love this!! Makes my coop look like crap... with there crap all over it.. I have been so sick recently, This Sunday I hope to get out there and clean my coop, and apparently put down tile and paint a little! LOLZ!! Serious though looks pretty!!!
Hope you get to feeling better & the party goes well!! Sooooo ... I have a question. What age do chickens generally start to molt cause I am seeing an awful lot of feathers in the coop. All the girls look ok and I can't see any particular one chicken that looks like it is being picked on
Yep it's molting season! Mine haven't started yet but they will soon. I have seen lots of Facebook posts about their birds molting.

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