Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

How is the little chick doing?
So sorry for your loss. :hugs I don't have much experience with chicks, but I agree with the others. That seems more likely. My sympathies. :hit

she was still laying around this morning when I checked on them. Give her some more vitamins. She will get up and run then just lay down. Last night she was laying normal like the rest of the chicks. Sometimes she will have her one leg stretched back behind her. I will keep babying her and see what happens.
Does anyone know where I can get rabbit meat? Now that I have the peeps, my husband is talking about raising meat rabbits. I want to at least try it first but cannot find a source.

Breakaway farms advertises it. Located between Elizabethtown and Mount Joy. Google them for contact information.
If you go there, I'm only a mile or two down the road. I'll show you my current set up for raising them. (Not in production yet, just starting with rabbits),
Oh yeah, and wingstone is only about 4 more miles if you want any of her birds, etc.
GM folks...

GR, Sorry to hear about your chick....and Britt, hope she perks up with a little TLC....

My chicken 20 on the bater, no movements yet, and given the chilly weather and that my grow out pen is not good enough for winter weather, I've brought one of my BO chooks inside...she is currently stashed in my bathroom with newspaper on the floor...its pretty weird, but I didn't want her outside alone in a drafty pen....she'll go back outside when the winds subside....
love those pictures and the lacey background is a really cute touch! I am trying to follow a coturnix quail thread on here and honestly I am rather confused about how the forum and threads are really organized. I don't know how I found this one.............but I am so glad that I did! I want to find a coturnix quail thread that is a little active this thread seems like a lot of the info is not current people navigating their questions etc. any recs on this? when I do searches I have not found particularly useful leads.................I tried the advance search...........not really an improvement. maybe its not there? there are a lot of forums or threads..............that are not active and only a few pages long............
Here are some pics of the chicks that came out of the eggs that Wing sold me. Wing, there are a lot of black chicks. What do you have that they might be from.?
these are great pics, your hired for my advertising team.......really as far as black goes, I have the silkie and the SLW mix and also a mottled java, they would be the only black colored roo's,,,,, can the color also come from the hen, then I would have to add almost all of the flock to that list....... that second pic with the thick legs, I would bet comes from my delaware/orp rooster,,,,I hatched a bunch of test birds from that combo and they looked just like that one.
This is one that I think has interesting coloring. Then there is the blue chick, which is a first for me.
let's hope that these are hen's......what does the brooder look like with that many chicks...this was just your test hatch, right.... so what's next
Thanks for all the great comments! :) I really liked the lace for the background also. Brooder looks pretty full right now. I am getting an other rabbit hutch on Friday $50. It was hand built not 6 months ago. Going to put it in my shed for now with a heat lamp (all I have to use at the moment) that is where the chicks will be moving to when they get some more feathers in. I would love it if thebtemps outside would go up soon! Yes, Wing, this was my test hatch. Turned out pretty good I think. :) I also hope the last two chicks turn out to be hens. It sure would be nice. I already have duck eggs set in the coolerbator for the easter hatch a long. My SS finally started laying so I was collecting their eggs as much as possible. Hoping they are fertile. I also have collected some of my other byf's eggs. Not sure how they will turn out. Ohh, I joined the southern York poultry and went to my first "meeting" with them. (It was more like a fun night out with other chicken lovers) It was great! I won a dozen eggs from there. I know a few of the eggs are Cochen'sCochen's. Can't remember what the other ones were. Anyhow, lol dunno what I will do with them all if they all hatch but I have somewhere around 4 dozen chicken eggs for the hatch a long. I set 22 duck eggs already. :oops: I have forced myself to stop collecting eggs for the hatch a long.... They all go in my frig now. Unless I find someone wants some eggs. :)
Just got back from the ER. My son came home from a birthday party in Baltimore, it was a roller skating party, anyhow he injured his ankle. It was really swelled up so we decided it was best to get it checked. Dr said possible fracture, have to get ahold of the orthopedics in the morning. Ugh..... Not at all what I had planned to do tonight.. :(

I'm sorry to hear that :( skating is one of those fun but dangerous things. I remember my mom fracturing her elbow when I was little because she fell doing the Mexican hat dance at sir skate and then I fell when I was in 7 th grade, roller blading down an alley (a stick got caught in my wheels) and broke my arm trying to catch myself. Hope he feels better and heals up quickly and smoothly.

Just got back from the ER. My son came home from a birthday party in Baltimore, it was a roller skating party, anyhow he injured his ankle. It was really swelled up so we decided it was best to get it checked. Dr said possible fracture, have to get ahold of the orthopedics in the morning. Ugh..... Not at all what I had planned to do tonight.. :(

Oh no! Hope all goes well at the Ortho.

Just got back from the ER. My son came home from a birthday party in Baltimore, it was a roller skating party, anyhow he injured his ankle. It was really swelled up so we decided it was best to get it checked. Dr said possible fracture, have to get ahold of the orthopedics in the morning. Ugh..... Not at all what I had planned to do tonight.. :(

Sorry to hear that, hope all is well and nothing is fractured:fl  


I was cleaning the coop today and noticed two of my hens appear to have leg mites :( I treated them and will have to treat the rest of the flock when hubby is home to help. This is my first time dealing with something like this.

Sorry to hear that! Keep us updated on the progress...

I have had my chickens, ducks and goose in the same area now for years. They have a swimming area in there too. Now mind you, I have approximately 200 ft of fence around this area. So there is plenty of room for my chickens to do what they want and for my ducks and goose to play in the water if they please. I have not had any problems with this setup yet. It may not work for everyone, but it works for me.

Isn't that how "Grandma" did it? If you have the room, blend the flock and keep an eye on everybody? :D

Just got back from the ER. My son came home from a birthday party in Baltimore, it was a roller skating party, anyhow he injured his ankle. It was really swelled up so we decided it was best to get it checked. Dr said possible fracture, have to get ahold of the orthopedics in the morning. Ugh..... Not at all what I had planned to do tonight.. :(

Sorry to hear that. Sending prayers your way. :hugs

GM all:

Its way too cold...its become an aggravation, Sharon, you should've stayed an extra week in two cents....

It is too cold again! On Satyurday I lifted up the straw on my raised beds. There was still a layer of ice! :duc

Thanks everyone. Will said thanks too. We go to the ortho Dr today at 2. I sure hope his bones are OK. It is still swollen and he cant put any weight on it at all. :( I will try to get a pic of him and his ankle later. I will also update you on what vthe Dr says. Thanks for the healing wishes! :)
Oh my gosh, a friend of mine, her mother just sent me a text. Seems as though she was told that I was still looking for eggs. They are collecting a dozen for me. I don't want to be rude or hurt their feelings... What do I do? Just graciously take the eggs, and then do what? Try to fit them in with all the ones I already have for the hatch a long?
Oh my gosh, a friend of mine, her mother just sent me a text. Seems as though she was told that I was still looking for eggs. They are collecting a dozen for me. I don't want to be rude or hurt their feelings... What do I do? Just graciously take the eggs, and then do what? Try to fit them in with all the ones I already have for the hatch a long?

Egg salad sandwich? Lol guess it would depend on what they are collecting :) barnyard mixes or something worth hatching.
Oh my gosh, a friend of mine, her mother just sent me a text. Seems as though she was told that I was still looking for eggs. They are collecting a dozen for me. I don't want to be rude or hurt their feelings... What do I do? Just graciously take the eggs, and then do what? Try to fit them in with all the ones I already have for the hatch a long?
depends, just how understanding is hubby ??

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