Pesky neighbors--A rant

ekk i got one of those too.

"He is one of those that creepily drives by every day at 5 mph staring at everything in the yard, and its not because he likes what he sees! "

he drives on some one elses property with the ruse that he is looking after it. But he drives my fence line like that.

It is to the point now i get startled then turn my back to him and go back to work. It gives me the creeps.

Yeah... I don't want to make little of your feelings, because you obviously felt violated, but I'm happy that you have neighbors that are interested in your chickens!
You'll have a lot fewer problems in the long run.

Would your neighbors be interested in building their own coop and raising their own hens?
Be careful of trespassing kids. If they get hurt on your property, you may be liable. Anything could happen. Maybe one tries to pick up a hen and the rooster gets upset and takes out the kids eye, or whatever. Even if the parents are good people and don't hold you responsible, their health insurance company has the legal right to sue you to recoup their costs. Courts have ruled over and over again that adults have what they call "a duty of care" to minor children that may wander onto their property. It's stupid, but that's the way it is.

Most places also have attractive nuisance laws that make it your fault if kids wander on your property to look at the animals and get hurt. Also, wandering ding dongs have a tendency to accidentally let animals out, leave gates and coop/barn doors open, feed the animals things they shouldn't have, have no clue how to behave around animals, and they eventually invite their friends. I have horses, and people always want to feed them and ride them. With only a few exceptions, the answer is no. If people think I'm rude, so what? It is time consuming and the kids could get hurt. I think that they are the rude to assume that I should entertain their kids. The next time unvited people stop by to see your hobby, ask what their hobbies are. When they say sewing, fishing cooking, etc., just say, "Oh great let me get my jacket. I'm coming over right now to see your sewing room, fishing equipment, kitchen or whatever. Don't worry, I'll just let myself in!" Maybe they'll get the hint.
Ok, I was being a little overly dramatic in my prior posts, so let me plainly express my thoughts on this.

People don't realize that it bothers folks to come look at their animals. I certainly did not and I OWN livestock.

You need to communicate somehow that it is a problem. Put up signs, stop and talk to them, SOMEHOW let them know it's not ok.

Having said that, I really do like the fact that people take an interest in my chickens! I love to see the neighbors kids coming over to peek at them. And my neighbor with the goats feels the same way. I stopped to chat when I saw her out later that day and mentioned that I had wandered her property looking at her goats and she said "Anytime! Come over and see them!"

Now, luckily my neighbors are reasonable folks that keep tabs on their kids, so I have no fear of them letting the chickens out or having a 2 year old wandering unsupervised in the coop. And they sure wouldn't feed them without asking me.

But the key is communication. Don't assume the rest of the world thinks the way you do.
The best thing I ever did was enclose several acres, including my road frontage, in invisible fencing. I have a dog that everyone is terrified of(and the funny thing is he's all bark and is a wimp) because he is half german shepherd and half boxer but is brindle so everyone automatically thinks he's a pit bull. Soooo, no more people using my driveway as a turn around(it's a circle drive) or unwanted solicitations. I love it...and love my dog!
Here is the "terrifying monster"
This gives me much food for thought. At first, I was thinking "WHAT is WRONG with some people?" But really in the case of these neighbors, I do not know. I know from experience when you are dealing with a child relaying a message, the intended message rarely gets through. I would have vented and griped too.
I guess it's a good opportunity to put up a few written warnings around your yard and coop, because you really don't want someone to get injured out of their own stupidity. People are curious and sometimes don't realize where to draw the line. They see cute animals and have no idea that they could get injured by a hoof or a spur.
CritterHill, I don't think what you did was wrong in any way. If you had entered the pasture or pen uninvited, that would be a whole different ball game. I think that's what the vents here are about. I know I wouldn't have a problem with people stopping to admire my animals, and I hope if it ever happens, I can go out and talk to them and educate them a little.
I think I will put a little sign on my coop that warns folks that chickens can be dangerous and to please ask first before trying to pet them - same thing for when I get my goats.
My friends had that problem once. Their horses are right next to the suburban development and she came outside to find a kid in with their green broke arabian. She asked what she was doing and she told her that her mother said it was okay for her to ride the horse!

We live with farm people surrounding us so no one really has the desire to bug your animals, they all have their own. The only people we have had wander over are the girls who live next door and they will pick grass and give it to my horse. I'm not worried since they have never gone in, they seem to get that but if I ever found anyone in with him I am pretty sure I would flip out!
We have had people come in the night or when we aren't home and steal birds. I lost my entire flock last year that way.

This year we had two young guys stop by and asked us where the free chickens were. My husband said what free chickens? They said that a friend of theirs told us we had 100 free ranged chickens that we were giving away for free and that we just wanted them gone. My husband pointed to the coops and spouted, "Do those look like free ranging chickens to you? Do you see the fences?"

Once we had a neighbor come up and tell us he found someone who was willing to buy all of my chickens for $2 a piece (I paid more than that for each of them!) We sent him off on his ear as well, while trying to figure out why he was trying to sell our chickens!
I think it's just rude and shows that folks have no manners at all any more...
I woulda been beyond PO'd and I have had kids come into the yard...Slifer and I chased them out...she was the bigger threat!

I've found a chunk of cheese and a mouldy bagel in my yard...blech

At least Obelisk was smart enough not to touch any of it.

Waddupwidat Quail? Sheesh, the nerve.

Cyn, I think it should be $5 to pet the chicken and $10 to be chased by a rooster!

I would never EVER think of going into someone's yard to look at their animals. I will admit that I had stopped the car and looked at a pretty bird/dog/horse, but to go IN is rude!

I have one those neighbours that would to be in a HOA. He stops and looks at the 2 whole shingles that have slid down on the roof and just tsk-tsk's. Ernie wants to slap him. LOL
Well, I have to say, this will be our first hunting season with chickens - Our property abuts the state game lands.

We often have hunters using our trails to drag carcasses out of the woods - I'm ok with that as long as they aren't shooting on our land (our perimeter is HEAVILY posted).

We obviously won't be free ranging the chickies, but I am curious if the influx of non-neighbors through our property will cause chicken-issues.

I wonder if a pro-active padlock on the coop wouldn't be in order...

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