Pet Peeves

My pet peeve for today is trying to play an instrument that's out of tune.
Animated GIF
Are you the one playing or someone else?
Not when the store is 2 minutes down the road :lau
For me rinsing a bowl a beaters is much faster then
Get dressed, find keys, brush hair, tie shoes, find wallet (usually 10 minute search wallet and keys) get in van go to store, argue with manager ( can't get down the aisle again),wait for some to bring the correct jar up,check out, go home, take off shoes, get back into comfy clothes, and open my mayo to finally make that sandwich.
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Yep, I don't need it.
You'll get free shipping!
I don't order that often.
We signed you up for a complementary 1 week trial!
This will end in a week! Then you'll be charged!

*goes to cancel*
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Would you rather just pause it?
We'll extend your free trial to a month!
No, thanks
Are you absolutely sure?
YES. And you wonder why I don't buy often....

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