Pet Turkey's?

Of course. [email protected] I am also on facebook Tiffani Manor. My baby is outside in the yard during the day and comes in at night. I do have to clean up after her during the evening but at night she sleeps in her bed that is placed on my bed and she doesn't move so, I only have to clean up a few turds in the morning. She is the best ever. Definitely look me up or shoot me an e-mail. I would love that. Also, I am going to ask my vet about those injections, thank you. I want her around as long as possible!
Hello, I'm Joy in Sacramento, California. I am enclosing a picture taken today of my pet turkey, Mrs Turkles. She is one of the best pets I've ever had. She stops and allows me to pet her and is always front and center when the flock (chickens) come for treats. She lost her companion a few months ago (big male turkey who was being boarded with us) and she is going to be presented with a new forever companion tomorrow as she has been very depressed since he left.
Hi Joy...welcome to BYC! Mrs. Turtles is a cutie. Hate that she lost her friend, but happy she's getting a new one!
I, too, have my pet babies. I have had them since they were two days old. We were told they were both hens but Buttercup had other plans and wanted to live his life as a tom. I have no idea what breeds they are, but after reading a bunch of posts on BYC, I figure Buttercup needs a diet. He is having trouble walking and refuses to get in and out of the coop without help. (Everytime he tries to jump out of the coop, he face plants and I worry about him.) We have a raised coop for weather and safety issues but it has a solid, well-built ramp with steps for the feather butts.

We have two turkeys. The Brown one (which I think is a bronze??) is Buttercup. Poor guy was named Princess Buttercup from Princess Bride then he switched sexes on me. Since he responds to Buttercup, I didn't think he'd mind having that name forever. lol The White one is Princess Priscilla and she's a diva. I have no clue what breed they are as the place we got them from wasn't really sure (feed store). But then again, they also told me they were both female. lol We're 99% sure, ma'am. eyeroll

Anyway, they are my pets and guard turkeys. I have two acres and (all my feather butts are free-range) there have been teens hiding being my shed drinking. We found cases of beer and other stuff hidden there when we did a mow of the back 40. If I chase the teens off and they get hurt, I can get sued. If my livestock (turkeys) chase them or scare them off and they get hurt, they get in trouble for being on private farm land. Crazy but true. And Priscilla does NOT like strange people. Mom and Dad have to introduce people to her before she'll look at them. then she just honks at them. lol

I'm putting pics in to see if you guys can help me put a breed to them. I adore them. Buttercup even lets mommy hug him and he tucks his head into my arms when I bend over and hug him. Probably from all the time he spent on my lap cuddling when he was a baby.

And yes, I know......Buttercup needs a diet. We've been working on starting him on his own feed for vitamins and supplements. He eats from my hands so it's easy to make sure he gets it but I can't stop him from sneaking into the chicken feed or eating whatever is in the yard. So any other suggestions to help me get his weight down or to help him waddle around would be so appreciated.

Oh, and I've been trying to be diligent about keeping the chickens from munching on his tail feathers.

Buttercup and Princess Priscilla
Your white is a Broad Breasted White. I have one also and she is the love of my life!
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Awesome, thanks. Someone tried to tell me that she was a "Small White" but meh, She's adorable, moody, sweet, and I love her to bits. Kind of hoping for baby turkeys this spring, but we will see. lol
I look forward to seeing pics of your baby turkeys! Mine is my only bird pet. She is a rescue. I love her to pieces. She is a huge B^*@h right now because she laying. I hope she gets over it SOON so I can snuggle her again! Good luck with your babies!
What precious pictures. I don't feel so odd now. I have both adult turkeys in the house. One has an injured foot and the other is a spoilt tom who has fallen in love with me. When it's warmer and the foot heals they'll go back out. But for the moment it is such entertainment. They are both here now at my side. I've only had them about a week. Thank you for this thread.
Attila the hen:

Whomever you love is whomever you love! Don't ever feel weird about it. I didn't know turkeys were such loving creatures until I had one. It makes me wonder what else I'm missing out on. There are people out there who love the strangest things, and this experience has made me a whole lot more tolerant of what I do not understand. I hope your turkey's foot heels up just fine. Enjoy your turkeys! They are wonderful, faithful friends.

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