phesant hatching egg question

I am currently incubating 8 shipped pheasant eggs...we are on day 9. I candled at day 5 and was fairly certain that 6 of the 8 were developing. It is getting harder to see through them and I am wondering if there is any advice about what to do before lockdown if I am not sure about an egg. Would comparing weights be a better way to tell if I have a bad or dead egg? I sure dont want an explosion , but I dont want to throw out a live one, either.
Nevermind...I got a better light and 5 are for sure developing and moving. One had a blood ring, one was clear so I removed them and not sure about the 6th one.
Thank you...the two that I did take out were obvious. That 6th one looks like the other 5, but I didnt see any movement in that one. We are on day 12 today. I will wait until day 14 or 15 to candle again. What day do you usually put the eggs in lockdown? It seems from what I have read there is a bit of a range for days to hatch. I was thinking day 21 for lockdown (?) Also, they will be in lockdown to hatch with chicken eggs. I know some people use egg cartons to hatch them. Since the eggs are small, I was thinking of turning an egg cargon upside down for them and using the back side to set them in...I am worried about the chicks knocking the pheasant eggs all over in the bottom of the inchbator. What sould you folks with experience suggest?
sorry about the there a way to edit posts? I suppose I shoold proof read them better before hitting submit :)
Well, I set them 2 days apart...thinking that the pheasants were supposed to hatch on day 23. I have seen ranges from 23 to 26 days now in researching more about ring I am a little worried.
The ringed neck eggs were shipped and if I have to wait one extra day for lock down, I will. I hate to have to "choose"...but the chicken eggs are from our chickens and I would rather risk them going into lockdown a day late if I have to choose to do the best for one group.
The chickens should not pose much of a problem to the eggs. However if you do notice the chickens rolling the eggs around remove them as quickly as possible to keep humidity from escaping. It shouldn't be much of a problem

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