Photos Of Chickens! Show Me Your Chickens! (Also Stories Would Be Great!)

So in my profile pic from left to right is:
Rocket, Black Sex Link
Salt or Pepper, Dominique
Spice, Speckled Sussex
Sugar, Speckled Sussex
Salt or Pepper, Dominique
Lol I don’t know who’s who with Salt or Pepper in that pic. I’ll try and get a closer look and see if I can tell
Poor Rocket! The only one with out a... pair? Match? 🤪
Here is a bunch of questions you can answer (about chickens)
#1. When Did You First Get Chickens?

#2. What Breeds Do You Have Currently?
too many 😂

#3. How Many Chickens Do You Have Right Now?
too many 🤣

#4. Do You Have A Favourite Breed?
Nankin bantams probably, but I can't really decide 😂

#5. What Was Your Silliest Chicken Ever?
my polishes, they are goofballs and try to hide all the time 🤣 the chicks are too a lot but outrageously cute at the same time 🥰

#6. Who Was / Is Your Favourite Chicken?
Chocolate #1 & 2❤️❤️

#7. Do You Have Any Strange Stories About Your Chickens?
not really 🤷‍♀️
Oh.... Poor Pepper!
Yes… I almost want to make a RIP thread for her but it was so long ago. Also if I created a RIP thread for all the chickens I had loved and lost over the years I would have 40+ RIP threads lol
Poor Pepper, she was the sweetest girl and like a month before she passed the five of them survived coccidiosis. Her and Salt would come up and lean on me while they were sick. She loved it when I picked her up with my pinkies between her legs. Sweet girl.
Yes… I almost want to make a RIP thread for her but it was so long ago. Also if I created a RIP thread for all the chickens I had loved and lost over the years I would have 40+ RIP threads lol
Poor Pepper, she was the sweetest girl and like a month before she passed the five of them survived coccidiosis. Her and Salt would come up and lean on me while they were sick. She loved it when I picked her up with my pinkies between her legs. Sweet girl.
I'm sorry, I don't know what I would do if my sweet little Flash died....
Wait... @6BeachChicks did Liz die? Because I've been reading random threads and you keep saying things like, I'm sorry, I lost one too.
:( I'm sorry.
Yes, she did, but I still feel like she is here. I’m sorry for confusing you. This spring, I am going to get another Rhode Island Red chick, along with another couple chicks. It’s ok now, I feel better about it. In case you were wondering, it was cancer, and our vet tried to do a surgery, and it was going good, but she passed in a second. It was peaceful for her.

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