Pic Of The Week Information (POW)

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Oh well, that means I can't submit mine, but here's the one I would have submitted:

Set up a different email account, perhaps through yahoo? As long as you are on the internet, you can set up an email.
Yup, we get about 10-20 POW submissions per week. If you do the math, that makes the list really long and a really long time before someone's pic is posted as the POW. Instead of making it so you have to wait 10 years before your pic is posted here's what we do:

1) We first filter out pics that are blurry, dark, grainy (e.g., from camera phones).
2) We then highlight the top 30% based on how good and original the picture is. This is the main pool of pictures from which we pull our POW.
3) From there it is usually first come first served.
4) Even filtering out about 80% of the pics we're still left with a very long list of great pictures, so please be patient.

If your pic isn't chosen for the POW please don't take it personally... we are just forced to choose from a VERY long list of great submissions.

At this time we unfortunately can't reply to all submissions letting them know their POWs were received and/or passed over.
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