Picked up my babies yesterday!


8 Years
Jul 6, 2011
Upstate South Carolina
I got the call to come pick up my babies yesterday! 11 little fuzzies! Pictures attached (of course!) ... first time in their new brooder (through the side of it, so it's a little hazy!), first good night's sleep in their new home
, and finally, bright and early this morning, all ready to go! Hopefully the last picture is clear enough that someone can tell me what mixture of colors I have?

We are off to a good start.... eating, drinking, peeping, pooping, and little bursts around the paper towels. So far, so good, thanks to all the info I've been absorbing on BYC for the past months. THANKS ALL for sharing their info on here!!!! Still learning as I go!

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Adorable! I can't wait to get my call to pick up my babies....I have to wait until the end of this month tho. I'm not a real expert on coloring, still learning myself. Sorry!

You have 6 Pearl Greys, 4 Pied Pearl Greys (with keets with the narrower head stripe area, white on the sides on their faces and their wing and chest areas), and the 1 pure White keet is obvious, (lol).

Nice brooder
Thanks, Peeps!!! The babies are doing great.
And I fully intend to use all your pointers on training them. I really want them to come when called, especially to go into their coop at night for their own safety. We hope to have the best trained guineas around!
And the lady I got them from wants me to let her know how the training goes. Hers roost in trees, but lay their eggs in their coop!
Adorable. love the pictures and a great brooder setup. Just rememebr they will fly before you expect them to, so be sure you have the top on the brooder.

On that note, our guineas started laying the first year, and they started back up here a couple of months ago. We have been trying to incubate the eggs, but have had issues with the incubator. Well I think we have it figured out now, so we should have keets being born in the next week, oh and we now have a chicken sitting on a batch of guinea eggs too.
Aww! So cute! I wish that I had chosen to go with keets! I just bought a pair of adult guineas and they are feisty! At first they were just afraid of me, and now one of them is hissing at me and biting me! Yikes!

BTW, I didn't even know that there was different colors of guineas, let alone WHITE! Cool!
Adorable. love the pictures and a great brooder setup. Just rememebr they will fly before you expect them to, so be sure you have the top on the brooder.
Those little cuties are already stretching their necks and eyeing the open top when I'm in there doing something. They are only a few days old, but I've seen them hopping and trying out those tiny wings, even though only two of them are beginning to their first feathers. Probably after next week I won't feel secure taking the top completely off! Here's the sleeping half of the brooder under the light (the waterer sits right in the middle) and yes... that lid is always on.

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