Pics of my Girls- Roosting time (or Shades and patterns)


11 Years
Jul 24, 2008
Hi All!
I snapped a couple of shots of my Girls today while they were roosting on the back of a bench. I thought they looked so pretty, with their different feather colors and patterns. I've got three Barred Rocks, but one of them was sitting on the ground when I took the pic.


For some reason this one Isa Brown, Lucy, takes the best pictures. She always looks right at the camera.

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Thanks Everyone! I just love looking at (and touching) their gorgeous feathers! I read somewhere that black oil sunflower seeds are good for their feathers, so I bought a 10 lb. bag and mixed it in with their scratch. What they don't find tends to sprout and they will eat the sprouts, or I get sunflower plants. It's a win/win either way! It's not easy to get them to sit still long enough to get a good picture of everyone- one or two always seem to move just as I snap the pic! I got lucky with these shots!!

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