Picture of a peafowl egg? Can you identify in this picture (included)


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 12, 2008
H-Town Texas
I am ing to identify a mystery egg that is being laid consistently in one of my open boxes on the floor of my chicken coop. It is larger than a chicken egg and has a slightly waxy appearance. At first glance it resembles a duck egg, but my ducks do not go into the coop (it is an elevated ramp entrance that they don't use) but my guinneas, chickens and peafowl do. My peafowl are about a year, so I thought they were too young to begin laying fertile eggs (only have one male and one female).

So does anyone have pics of peafowl eggs? I would like to see if these possible are. Of course I have also stuck several under a cluck and have 5 developing nicely - so hopefully I will find out in a few weeks. (The clears I had to toss, so that is why I have no pictures)

Edited to update title now that picture is included below...
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You could always incubate it and see what hatches.
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Those are great links of pictures, thank you! The eggs are definately the right size to be peafowl - it is just the waxy-ish sheen that has me confused.

I definately have some growing under a cluck right now.
I have a picture - I put 3 of the eggs in question surrounded by other 'known' eggs. There are 2 quinnea eggs on top and then chicken eggs of various colors surrounding everything to compare sizes. The 'unknowns' are slightly larger and are shinier - I think it is a waxy-like look.

Thank you!

Edited to add image...duh!
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hummm - that's not what I wanted to hear!!!

haha - I didn't think my ducks went into the coop at all. I have never caught one in there. I will keep watching the ones that are growing uder my cluck.

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