Picture of my Pullet w/ a Swollen Eye. Please look!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Dec 28, 2012
Do you think this is a physical injury, or an infection like IB?

Here's the scoop, I went out to check on the birds, and immediately noticed this chicken's eye. It is only this eye, and if you look closely you can see a dot of blood both above and below the eye. I had to catch her with a pole net, as she was less than interested in letting me get close to her. She's about 14 weeks old, we got her Feb 11.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated. She is still with the flock, and even though she is using her good eye to forage (pretty funny looking) she is eating, drinking, and keeping up with the other chickens. She is not lethargic. I have a feeling she got pushed off her roost and slammed her eye on something, the top roost is about 5' high.

Thanks again!

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