Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

I'm pretty sure this picture doesn't satisfy the constraints but my friend Ivy laid her first egg yesterday :love so I'm sharing it with everyone :D

Why is her tail red?
When she first artived, her tail had been plucked down to the stump by her friend Peggy who had a taste for feathers. The red is left over staining from a product called Cetrigen. It stains wounds so they don't look like blood any more, so others who are attracted by the sight of blood are deterred. Once Ivy's tail stump was sprayed with Cetrigen, Peggy stopped plucking it.

By the way, Peggy doesn't eat feathers any more. Her diet and her mind are much healthier now.
Youngsters? I'm not a chicken and I still have trouble with my spelling. Nice of you to help her! :lol:
Haha! My biggest problem is getting keyboards to understand my typing! The keyboards in my life like to undo all my good spelling, the rotters!

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