Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

Butterbean (again) because I just cannot resist taking photographs of this cutie!

BEAUTIFUL! Blue partridge Brahmas?
Thank you. They are actually easter eggers that look like (and have the personality of) BPB.
I used an xl blue ee male (blue orpington x blue ameraucana) and bred him to some beautiful dark brahma girls.
I have some light and buff girls too, but I'm sure, based on the lacing that all chicks came from the dark brahmas.
Omggg my cats name is boo 😂😂😂 we got him on Halloween
My Boo was found in the chicken yard around midnight a couple of weeks before Halloween. She is a couple of years old now.
This year I found June Kitty in the chicken pen. (Guess what month?🤣)
My husband says it is about time for another kitten to show up.

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