Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

congrats on POW. wow! They are beautiful!
Awww. Thank you to you and everyone else who has sent congrats and commented how gorgeous they look.
It has been quite meaningful to me to have their picture featured. Sadly they both died earlier this year and it is a nice way to remember them when they were looking their finest!
Beautiful girls. Love their markings! Can I ask where you got them? I have a pale Legbar but would like a darker one too.
They came from a small local farm/hatchery in New Jersey - I drove and collected them. I think they were just regular hatchery stock Crested Cream Legbars - I prefer if possible to get my chicks locally so they don't go in the mail.
I am blanking on its name right now (geez - old age). It is something original like New Jersey Chickens.

My Pearl, she often goes to the end of the garden all by herself while the other chickens stay together closer to the run.

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