Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

I was taking photos of the young Blue Australorp cockerels to track their development and help decide who to keep and who to sell/eat.

Ludwig, my 7-month-old Black Langshan cockerel, decided that he needed a photo op -- posing in the perfect spot as I tried to focus on the boys.

Cute pictures Janie! Is that 2nd photo of her in a nesting box?
It is!
Or time to tighten up security on the chicken yard!!!
The runs are tight, but the yard is fenced with 4x4 fencing and backs up to the woods. Plenty of room for a kitten to enter. They are only in the yard when we are home. Not perfect security but they love to roam and hang out with people, so we take our chances.
Some fluffy bums from Fluffy Butt Acres to celebrate Friday.

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I love chicken butte!
I was taking photos of the young Blue Australorp cockerels to track their development and help decide who to keep and who to sell/eat.

Ludwig, my 7-month-old Black Langshan cockerel, decided that he needed a photo op -- posing in the perfect spot as I tried to focus on the boys.

View attachment 2945905
He is gorgeous!
With our great new homepage for BYC, we've also now got an exciting new system and process for our Picture Of The Week (POW), so we need your submissions!!!

Your Submissions MUST:
  • Be an image you took & own the rights to
  • Be a sharp, clean, picture that's at least 800 pixels wide
  • Include a short sentence about your picture, e.g., "My overly friendly Buff Orpington named Alehendra"
  • We prefer "landscape" (sideways) photos, but we'll accept really awesome"portrait"(tall) pictures... we just may need to crop them
Submit your POW by simply replying to this thread and attaching an image :)

We don't have a strict process or time-frame for how/when the POWs are posted, but in general they will be posted to the homepage weekly, and clicking on the POW will bring you to the post within this thread where the image was submitted.
Can you post pictures with multiple chickens?
I've never gotten POW before, so I thought I might try submitting something,

My Hen Spice Flying the coop! (Literally)
She was jumping out of the coop door flying! So I just had to think fast and take a photo at just the right moments! Here are 2 I like. With the light balance and shadow, its very siloete looking!

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I've never gotten POW before, so I thought I might try submitting something,

My Hen Spice Flying the coop! (Literally)
She was jumping out of the coop door flying! So I just had to think fast and take a photo at just the right moments! Here are 2 I like. With the light balance and shadow, its very siloete looking!

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Those are amazing! 🥰
Those are amazing! 🥰
Thank you everyone! It took me weeks to try to find something good enough to use as an entry for POW, since my camera does not take a very good picture, so luckily I had my phone when Spice made her Victory flight! She is a Rhode Island red and is a bit over a year, this is her second winter! I let both my chickens free range during the day, and spice does not like being cooped up! It is said from the guy I got them from that their Grandparents were wild chickens! I found this out in both of them, since these photos definitely catch her Wild Spirit! #FlyingFree! And #FreeRangeForever! # PoultryInMotion
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