Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

I'm sorry I did not communicate that very well. Hens will definitely co-sit a nest.

In this particular instance, most people would not realize this but those two hens in particular, Peggy and Ivy are not necessarily best friends. That was the origin of my comment.
Weellll, that splains it better! Thanks. Self preservation takes precedence over minor squabbles I guess
Ludwig, the 7-month Black Langshan cockerel, doesn't have a bad side.

0114221416 (2).jpg

I'm pretty sure that the cropping tool I used didn't distort his proportions. He really does have that incredible fan of tail.

Here's the original:
Two best friends on an evening stroll

View attachment 2960102

This is my alpha hen Lilly, on the right, and Sansa a GLW and former number 4 in my flock on the left. They were the best of friends from the moment Sansa arrived in Feb of 2020. They were never apart. Lilly even helped her to find the best nesting spots (Lilly only lays 1 or 2 eggs a year now). I say this so everyone appreciates how close they were.

This photo is special to me because this is how I will always remember Sansa in my mind. They were just chatting away this day as the sun set, strolling along without a care in the world.

Sansa passed away on New Years Eve. They did not even have 2 years together. It cannot be easy to be the oldest hen in flock. Lilly has seen so many come and go but I'm certain none as terrible a loss as her best friend forever, Sansa.
I'm so sorry for your's and Lilly's loss. It is a beautiful, and touching photo, even more so, knowing the back story.
OMG I just looked closely at your avatar.. Is that a chicken growing out of another chicken's head? Talk about a two headed monster!
It's been called a chicken with a chicken hat. 😆 it was such a happy accident that Daisy was behind Elphie that day. 😆 I could not align it like that if I wanted.

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