Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

Hello human, I have come to notify you of the status of your work. The shavings are not of uniform size and shape, nor are they comfortable. Your feed pellets taste like paper, and you remove the eggs to roughly from my box; they are not pine cones, they are priceless creations. Also, your treats are not frequent nor tasty enough. Unfortunately we are going to have to let you go. Take my advice, and apply for a lower maintenance fowl.
Yup! You got her in one. Maggie is the Shop Steward of the IFLC (International Federation of Laboring Chickens). It is a militant union and clearly I have not been living up to my end of the collective bargaining agreement.
:lol: Sure sure! Does she run an underground operation for smuggling out battery chickens into various coops around the country? You gotta give it to her- she's hard as nails to run both. Assisting as a volunteer would be the best course of action.
Come to her begging and she just might give you your position back!
Otherwise :smack
Raven is sporting a very serious look, but then again she is hiding something.

It is hard work being a chick.

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