Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

It's an Australorp or an Australorp cross, because I only had 2 males and one was a Black Langshan. His babies have feathered feet.

You can see every adult bird in my flock in these photos:


Australorp, Australorp, Mottled Java, Australorp, SLW pullet not yet laying, Lavender Orpington, (Can't see well enough), Australorp cockerel.


New layer Australorp or Black Langshan (still can't see well enough), Mottled Java, Australorp cockerel, SLW (do not hatch her eggs because they're all covered in bad calcium deposits), French Cuckoo Marans, Dominique, Lavender Orpington x SLW x3.


Lavender Orpington x SLW x3, Australorp, California White, Australorp, FCM.

“Alright, so I have feathered feet. I’m a Cochin! But I have never met those chicks mother. I’ve been here in California this whole time! And I have hens of my own.” Signed Jaffar, the rooster.
It's an Australorp or an Australorp cross, because I only had 2 males and one was a Black Langshan. His babies have feathered feet.
The mail rooster or the Fuller Brush rooster came by and bred some of your hens?

I wonder if black skin is recessive. I have a black Blue Ameraucana purchased from Meyer. 25% of Blue x Blue are expected to be black, 25% splash, 50% blue.

But ZERO % should have 5 toes per foot like Nyx has. Otherwise she looks like an Ameraucana and does lay very blue eggs. Meyer has some bad genes in their Ameraucana flock and they came out in Nyx. Perhaps your black skinned Australorp cross is the same?
It's an Australorp or an Australorp cross, because I only had 2 males and one was a Black Langshan. His babies have feathered feet.

You can see every adult bird in my flock in these photos:


Australorp, Australorp, Mottled Java, Australorp, SLW pullet not yet laying, Lavender Orpington, (Can't see well enough), Australorp cockerel.


New layer Australorp or Black Langshan (still can't see well enough), Mottled Java, Australorp cockerel, SLW (do not hatch her eggs because they're all covered in bad calcium deposits), French Cuckoo Marans, Dominique, Lavender Orpington x SLW x3.


Lavender Orpington x SLW x3, Australorp, California White, Australorp, FCM.

She must be a X. I've kept Australorps & none have ever had black skin like that. It's not breed standard. Someone else may have an odd gene mix too which has resulted in her unusual looks. Regardless of breed she is very pretty.

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