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How do you know it's a cockerel? New chicken owner here. I have a SLW... I can't tell! Thanks for comments.
I generally look for cockerel specific feathering and comb and waffle development. I had a Wyandotte pullet in the bunch (not in the photo) so it was easy to tell the difference between the two.

Here are a couple photos.

Very early on, Zoro’s comb was bigger and more red than the pullet’s.

You can see the pullet in the top right corner of the photo has very little comb or wattle development. (I had two pullets, but I gave one away)

Hopefully this helped.
“Two lower ranks roost in a perfect position to be pooped on”View attachment 3241287
That’s their bedroom, and they’re getting ready for the night, and they stuffed themselves in the worst spot possible. LOL

And that is why I have a 12-week Delaware pullet with a dirty back. That groups likes to roost on a pallet that I have in as a visual break and she sits under the others. 🤦‍♀️

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