Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

Onyx and Cluckie
My two boys are sizing up, aka getting ready to fight but they don't really realize there is a fence in-between them. I keep them separate, they have tried to kill each other in the past!
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Keep an eye on their feet and beaks. They can injure themselves on the fence. A broken beak can be life-threatening.
I have been watching them and that is actually what I put wire on some parts of the fence. Herry (the Sussex roo) has a crooked beak and I'm more worried about him pecking Darcy (the black roo) in the eye.
I've had roosters in the past that couldn't get along. So stressful. Fortunately, my main man, Goliath, is very easy going. He and the other two roosters have been great at keeping the cockrels in line this year.
Goliath's father, Doris, couldn't coexist with any other rooster. He broke his beak trying to get to Goliath through the fence. (Goliath has a missing toe nail too.)
Doris was a wonderful rooster, he just wanted to be the only rooster. He died last year. Now that he has moved on to the great corn field in the sky, everything is peaceful here.

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