Picture thread of my hens!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY I hope you have a wonderful birthday.

The pics are gorgeous as always. Crystal has really changed. She has feathers. I love that those tail feathers.

The babies are almost bigger then Daffy. In fact that one black and white one does look bigger. Daffey is a little chunkier then they are but their going to outgrow him in a couple of weeks.

Thanks so much for sharing the pics with us and please enjoy your day.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY I hope you have a wonderful birthday.

The pics are gorgeous as always. Crystal has really changed. She has feathers. I love that those tail feathers.

The babies are almost bigger then Daffy. In fact that one black and white one does look bigger. Daffey is a little chunkier then they are but their going to outgrow him in a couple of weeks.

Thanks so much for sharing the pics with us and please enjoy your day.

Have a very happy birthday!

Love the photo of Pearl sunbathing-makes me happy.
Thank you both! I had a great day!

The babies are way bigger than Daffy (well Josies are anyways) :)
No more babies thank you ducks!

Some of the chicken themed gifts I got for my birthday.

Love this pic of Lacey duck and her mam, Bella. Once daffy and Lacey got a pair bond, he became protective of her and tried to keep all the hens away from Lacey including Bella. Now Lacey and Daddy are done, Bella seems to go visit her and the babies. This morning she was pecking the crumbs off Lacey's beak and she was nibbling her. Bella is the only hen Lacey has respect for, so she must remember she's her mam

Thats great you got chicken related presents.

I'm glad to see Bella and Lacey back togeather again. It goes to show you never get to old to let your mom clean your face.
Of course she remembers her Mom. I love that pic so much.

Thanks so much for sharing the pics. Have a great day.
Angry Lacey telling Mabel to get lost! She's got lucky getting away with that one, Mabel would usually drop kick her




Grace, Daffy&Becca duck

Josie, Grace & Daffy







Can I please get out the door?!! And no the weather is not anywhere near this nice now!

Wet day



My little Orp family. Orp, Daisy and Bella

They are taking pictures for the chicken calendar you should enter a couple of your pics. You take beautiful pics.

I'm glad Mabel understood that Lacey was just in a bad mood. I love Lacey she is so spoiled you can tell.

I love the orph family pictures and you got Bella's profile. I think she knows her profile is just perfect.

The pictures are all awesome thanks so much for sharing them and have a great day.
They are taking pictures for the chicken calendar you should enter a couple of your pics. You take beautiful pics.

I'm glad Mabel understood that Lacey was just in a bad mood. I love Lacey she is so spoiled you can tell.

I love the orph family pictures and you got Bella's profile. I think she knows her profile is just perfect.

The pictures are all awesome thanks so much for sharing them and have a great day.
Thank you! Have entered pics for the BYC Calender for a couple years and never got anywhere, so think I've give up on that one lol. Will have to start making my own Calender again soon

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