Picture thread of my hens!

Gosh this getting harder the babies are her size now to guess which one is Lacey. Since I know Lacey likes to speak her thoughts I would say the one with the open mouth. The picture underneath that pic she is the one in the middle proudly showing off her babies. She has that Lacey smile. I love you Lacey you are so photogenic.

Marnie and Miley are gorgeous. Those two are the only chocolate ones of the litter? Four white ones that look so much like Lacey. I can't even tell which one is the runt now. It has caught up with the other three. Then there is the two that look their daddy. Do you know how many are females and how many are males?

Miley is like the Chocolate one and Marnie is much lighter. Almost Lavender I would say. She's so pretty!
I had a tear in my eye when you said you boxed up Josie's babies. Thats great that they are all going to be togeather and going to a good home. Spend the money on them, you are a very special person. I love the pic of all the babies lined up and Josie is at the end of the line. That would make a great calendar pic.

It was sad. I'm quite over it now though. Their new home is amazing and so is their new owner. I've been to visit them when I got the woman some more ducks and hens but they were exploring, so I couldn't even find them. Nice for me to feel relaxed a bit as there was so many to keep an eye on.

Maebel and Pl are adoreable. It looks like Maebel is telling Pl she has something on her face and she will get it off for her. Pl isn't to happy about someone grooming her. Wow Pearl and Crystal are coming right along. They almost look normal pretty soon they will be like Maebel and Pl.

Don't be embarrassed about Pl's real name. I have a male duck that goes by the initials of CP. Only a few us know his real name which is Cutie Pie. What can I say.

Thanks so much for sharing the pics they are great.

Haha thank you!!
Bella is going through her moult. Looks rough bless her.

These two belong to my friend. Love them!



So I've been on a little rescue mission this morning! My friend who I haven't seen much in a while needed to get rid of all their hens. They've been told to get off the land and also the locals were going nuts as this woman was encouraging the hens out of their field by feeding them bread and pasta on the road and they were going in people's gardens and getting attacked by dogs as well. This woman who was feeding them also attracted hundreds of rats which were everywhere even through the day time. A couple hens got crop issues due to all this bread, one died and the other was so weak that it seemed to have been killed by the rats. So my friend asked if I could help rehome them. Don't know why they didn't tell me all the problems sooner. There's one cream legbar hen who is near deaths door, so have been trying to get her eating a drinking. Syringed her with sugar water and some pick me ups too and her new owner has made her some scrambled egg. The only ones left up there is a cockerel and two hens. I advertised the cockerel with 2 ex batts but I kept 1 ex batt and 1 cream legbar to go with him instead as I'm worried his new home might fall through and the cream legbar could make it so he could get a new home. There's this little black chick who's siblings were all killed by rats, she loves to sit on my shoulder! Wish I could have kept her but my lot would have near killed her! They've all went to live with Fiona, the lovely lady who got Josies babies from me. They've got a great pond and are free range. Also have clean bedding and a dry shed which they won't have had in a long time. I shouldn't really be writing this post as I've just got in and need to go to work, but I'm so happy that they're safe now!






I'm getting good at this finding duck nests! Broody ducks vs me will be interesting next year!



The last of my keepers of Lacey's babies is the little runt baby. I'm trying to choose a name for her. I'm caught between Molly, Millie or Rosie. Like the first two names as they would go with my little "m" trend (the other 3 have names starting with m). But I also like Rosie in memory of my ex batt who passed. Had to spray her today as she's starting to look a lot like her sister who isn't staying, so I need to know who's who. Was telling them apart by the length of the flight feathers and body shape but they are getting to similar now. Also, the purple spray went everywhere as usual, I made the mistake of picking my phone up afterwards and the spray has smudged all over my brand new white case!! Any tips on getting it off?!


Tell Bella she is still beautiful even if she is moulting. She reminds me so much of my Skiddles that passed away.

I like the name Rosie in memory of your other Rosie that passed. She has those puffy cheeks like her mommy. I'm glad your keeping her she was always so small and took forever to catch up with everyone. I don't think she liked the purple spray but it looks good on her. Sorry about your phone case I don't know what would take that off.

Bless your heart for rescueing the chickens. It seems the rescues always appreciate everything you do for them. The little black chick is adoreable. I'm glad you found them a good home. Did you dig that pond for the ducks? It's really nice their going to enjoy swimming in that.

Thanks so much for sharing the pics and god bless you.
So many great photos as usual!

I'm glad Josie's brood will be pampered at a good home nearby. (and that Fiona also took in the extra rescued chickens)

It's so sweet that Alice jumped up on your arm. The rescued hens really do feel so safe with you.
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Tell Bella she is still beautiful even if she is moulting. She reminds me so much of my Skiddles that passed away.

I like the name Rosie in memory of your other Rosie that passed. She has those puffy cheeks like her mommy. I'm glad your keeping her she was always so small and took forever to catch up with everyone. I don't think she liked the purple spray but it looks good on her. Sorry about your phone case I don't know what would take that off.

Bless your heart for rescueing the chickens. It seems the rescues always appreciate everything you do for them. The little black chick is adoreable. I'm glad you found them a good home. Did you dig that pond for the ducks? It's really nice their going to enjoy swimming in that.

Thanks so much for sharing the pics and god bless you.
Thank you. Thats fionas pond which she dug :)

So many great photos as usual!

I'm glad Josie's brood will be pampered at a good home nearby. (and that Fiona also took in the extra rescued chickens)

It's so sweet that Alice jumped up on your arm. The rescued hens really do feel so safe with you.
Thank you! Yes its nice to know I can go see them whenever I want and here about them all the time



Last pic with all Lacey's babies in. Two are off to their new home today. They're going to one of my bosses, so taking them when we do the shift change over today. Going to miss them so much
. Always had a bond with all of Lacey's babies where as I didn't have one with Josies. They're going to a great home tho. And I'm sending them with a big tub of mealworms to have all to themselves. Told her instead of paying me for them to buy more mealworms and more pools to play in lol




Sisterly love! Marnie& Rosie/Millie/Maddy (still can't pick a name!)



Does anyone recognise these ducks? It's Josies babies in their new home with their new friends!
Poppy is gorgeous. Is she a barred rock? I've never had a barred rock before but I think they are a beautiful bird.

I'm glad you found a good home for Lacey's babies. Your boss is very lucky to be getting them. Does he know how special their mom is? I'm sure he is heard a few things about Lacey from you.

Thats a sweet pic of Marnie and her little sister. Marnie looks so much bigger then her. I will call her , until you decide on a name.
They look so chubby and round and then that little smile they have makes you want to just pick them up.

Josie's babies are so lucky to have that pond. They look so happy and I think you found them the perfect home. I'm glad you can visit them and see them when you want.

Have a great day and thank you so much for the beautiful pics you share.
Poppy is gorgeous. Is she a barred rock? I've never had a barred rock before but I think they are a beautiful bird.

I'm glad you found a good home for Lacey's babies. Your boss is very lucky to be getting them. Does he know how special their mom is? I'm sure he is heard a few things about Lacey from you.

Thats a sweet pic of Marnie and her little sister. Marnie looks so much bigger then her. I will call her , until you decide on a name.
They look so chubby and round and then that little smile they have makes you want to just pick them up.

Josie's babies are so lucky to have that pond. They look so happy and I think you found them the perfect home. I'm glad you can visit them and see them when you want.

Have a great day and thank you so much for the beautiful pics you share.
Thank you! Poppy is a Cuckoo Maran cross. Oh I've told her if anything bad happens to them she better run haha
Got Tina&Rosie ex batts a year ago today. Rosie sadly passed away in June as she had a tumor. Tina is still with me though, enjoying her free range life. I'm glad they both got some freedom after the condition they were in.






Bless your heart for saving Tina and Rosie when you did. It doesn't look like they could have survived to much longer. I bet they never seen grass before you got them or the sky. They turned into beautiful hens with your loving care.

Thanks so much for sharing the pics and being such a kind person .

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