Pictures of my girls with their Buff Orpingtons...

I had three Buff Orpingtons.
two of them died though:( one of those was just a baby like the ones in your pictures. i used to call them my "girls"
Awwwwww.....I see you lost Pumpkin and Sunshine. Two so close together. I'm so sorry. We are new to chickens this year and we have become so attached to our "girls". I just can't imagine losing one. I keep talking to my children about the possibility that it could happen so it won't be a total shock if it does. I hope you get two more Buffs eventually to replace them.
Yes! It was a BEAUTIFUL spring day. Especially in light of the fact that we have not had much of a spring at all. It's been very cold up here in Michigan, and when it's not cold, it's VERY rainy, and when it's not cold or rainy, it's been "cold AND rainy". This was a beautiful spring day.
Out of all my chickens my Buff's are my favorite! Great pictures! Looks like your girls really enjoy their chickens! I'll have to try the yogurt treat!
We lost one of our Buff's. It has been so sad. I have not posted since we lost her. I'm thankful though that we didn't lose the other three. I do love BO's. It's the only chicken that we want. They are sooooo sweet.

I hope your girls like the yogurt treat!

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