Pictures of my girls with their Buff Orpingtons...

Our chickens LOVE treats. We always feed them their treats by hand. I think it strengthens the bond between us and them. We love them so much and they get so excited when they see that little yellow bowl. They will fly/run across the entire yard to get to it. It's adorable.
Hey Keltara,
Doesn't it hurt when the chickens eat out of your hand? Sometimes I fill my hand with lots and lots of feed and feed it so that there is less chance of me getting pecked, but I usually waste most of the feed since it falls.
Whenever we give them treats (that could normally be fed by hand), we use this same little yellow bowl. They recognize it as "ohhh! A special treat is coming!!" They will half run, half fly, half fall over as they try to get to it as fast as possible. We don't get bitten this way, but we still have the intimacy.
One time, we used a little purple bowl. When I called them, they came running but when they saw the "purple" bowl, they freaked out like it was poison. Eventually one of them was brave enough to take a taste, and then they all dove in. Silly chickens!!
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